
Children using anything that is “sniffed, snorted or swallowed”

Parents do their best in most cases, but feel ill-prepared for this age of drugs.

Many young teens use vaping to heat up cannabis. .

Children are experimenting with anything that can be “sniffed, snorted or swallowed”, said an experienced drug counselor who urged parents to keep track of their pocket money and be alert to any changes in a child's behavior. child.

Marie Bryne of MB Now International said the scale of drug abuse among children and adolescents is probably the worst she has ever seen in her 30 years of work in awareness, prevention and drug rehabilitation.

The veteran speaker and author who has worked globally on the issue of drug awareness and prevention says she fears that too many parents are now simply “throwing in the towel” time when the dangers of drugs for young adolescents are even greater. '

“Twenty years ago, people were shocked when I talked about children as young as twelve using cannabis at school gates. Today, most young people see cannabis or hashish as “nothing,” said Marie, who lives in Navan, Colorado. Meath.

“Many young adolescents use vaping to heat up cannabis.

“Cannabis, solvents and alcohol remain the gateway drugs, but I have dealt with teenagers as young as 14 who are now addicted to cocaine. It's everywhere and kids are selling drugs. substances to their friends to obtain them when they become addicted.

“The problem has become so serious that too many people have become numb to the problem and many parents don't know what to do. This is where I am invited to contribute to a recovery plan. It’s great when parents ask for help from services. .

“Parents do their best in most cases, but feel ill-prepared for this age of drugs.

“Ireland is the fourth highest cocaine user in the world – imagine that! I have seen cases where users have rashes and huge blisters on their faces from the chemicals now mixed in the cocaine. Cocaine Gasoline and ammonia are two of them.

“Nitrous oxide is the latest trend, but teenagers have always sniffed something, from gas from cigarette lighters to gas fire extinguishers. But it's very dangerous and I've met a few people who have died over the years. years due to abuse of solvents. Aerosol cans are sprayed into the throat – this can freeze the larynx and cause suffocation. All substances affect the brain.

“This laughing gas is used in fridges, in balloons so that young people think that it cannot harm them.

“THC from cannabis is introduced into vapes and parents don't think there is anything dangerous with vaping. Some are happier that they vape rather than smoke cigarettes.

“Even cannabis is at full strength these days, much stronger than a few years ago, so you risk developing psychosis and other mental health problems. It's certainly not the harmless drug that we pretend to be.

“Children and young adolescents need to find money from somewhere to buy it, so if parents are giving pocket money, I urge them to make sure they know what their child is spending it on and what their friends are also doing. Communicate with their parents, get information.

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