
Childhood housing insecurity linked to poorer health in adolescents, new study finds

Housing insecurity is increasing as the cost of housing rises, the number of homeless people increases and the availability of decent housing decreases worldwide.

Recent search A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that housing insecurity impacts children's well-being through adolescence.

Adolescents who experienced some degree of housing insecurity during childhood are more likely to have health problems.

The research was based on data from The future of families and the well-being of children Study (FFCWB), which followed children from age one through adolescence.

The study examined whether there is a link between long-term housing insecurity and adolescent health.

Housing insecurity was defined based on several factors, such as difficulty paying rent or mortgage, overcrowding due to sharing housing with other families, risk of eviction, and spending time in places not intended for residence, such as a car or an abandoned building.

To understand the effects of these conditions on children's health, the researchers measured symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as self-reported general health (SGH).

Nearly 5,000 participants were enrolled in the study from birth in 20 U.S. cities.

The study found that children who experienced some level of housing insecurity at some point in their lives had poorer general health and mental health than those who had stable housing conditions.

Adolescents in the most housing-insecure situations reported more symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The housing crisis remains a growing concern globally.

“The world is facing a situation where more and more people cannot afford their housing costs,” said Balakrishnan Rajagopal, the UN special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing. A declaration Last year.

“Millions of people lack the financial means to access safe, secure and habitable housing,” he added.

A 2014 report from the McKinsey Global Institute At least 1.6 billion people are expected to be affected by a global housing shortage by 2025.

This shortage, as well as the housing booming The costs predicted after the pandemic could force many people into crowded, inadequate and unsafe housing, which could put many young people's health at risk.

“Housing insecurity can be prevented and addressed through public health policies and interventions,” the study authors write.

“Future work is needed to validate a universal measure of housing insecurity and implement procedures for screening and referring families with young children to appropriate services.”

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