
Central Asia Safe Migration Fact Sheet – Kazakhstan



USAID’s Safe Migration in Central Asia (SMICA) activity aims to prevent human trafficking, protect survivors, and promote safe migration. It uses evidence-based practices and cross-border connections to strengthen the accountability and effectiveness of governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector as part of USAID’s Asia-wide counter-trafficking response framework. SMICA is a five-year activity (2020-2024) that operates in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Every year, millions of people in Central Asia leave their homes in search of better employment opportunities. Many are at risk of labour or sexual exploitation. These migration flows, combined with increased government awareness of migration and human trafficking, provide a window of opportunity to create better support systems for migrants, reduce their vulnerability to labour exploitation, and protect victims of trafficking.

SMICA collaborates with local and international organizations, governments and civil society organizations to connect and integrate individual national approaches into coherent regional strategies. SMICA strengthens bilateral and multinational systems to promote rights-based migration and combat human trafficking (CTIP).


Objective 1: Strengthen bilateral and multinational strategies and actions to promote rights-based migration and combat human trafficking

Objective 2: Reduce the vulnerability of populations at risk to all forms of trafficking

Objective 3: Improve and expand identification and assistance to victims of trafficking

Objective 4: Improve prosecutions for crimes related to human trafficking (Kyrgyz Republic only)


  • Reached 31,714 people through training and education on safe and responsible migration.
  • Trained, provided technical assistance or strengthened the capacity of 2,887 service providers to deliver victim-centered and trauma-informed services.
  • SMICA’s partner NGOs identified 488 victims of trafficking and provided services to more than 13,000 migrants and potential migrants, including 849 TIP survivors.
  • We have strengthened the capacities of 345 judges and prosecutors and introduced a self-learning video course on applying a victim-centered approach to cases in their training academies.
  • We have engaged 179 private sector companies in actions to combat CTIP and promote safe migration by introducing human rights standards in business, such as supply chain due diligence to ensure supply chains are free of forced labour.
  • The Safe Airports initiative was launched by installing interactive electronic information kiosks at international airports in Uzbekistan (Termez, Namangan, Qarshi and Tashkent), Turkmenistan (Ashgabat International Airport) and Kyrgyzstan (Manas International Airport). These kiosks provide information on the destination countries of Central Asian migrants before their departure.
  • In collaboration with international partners, cross-sectoral training was conducted for law enforcement, criminal justice actors, NGOs, media professionals and social service providers in communities across the region.
  • Provided specialized technical assistance and support, playing a central role in the development and improvement of 16 key international policies, laws and agreements to combat trafficking in persons.
  • I have actively participated and supported 20 NGOs in their advocacy efforts on CTIP and safe migration issues.
  • Assisted 21 stakeholder organizations, including government agencies, private sector entities and social service providers, to improve safe employment practices, labor migration processes, and repatriation and reintegration procedures for trafficked persons.

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: September 1, 2019 – August 31, 2024

BUDGET: $16.31 million

CONTACT: Irina Mitrofanova, Bureau of Democracy and Health, USAID/Central Asia, [email protected]

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