
Castle Dale City Accepts Emery County Fire District Memorandum of Understanding

By Julie Johansen

Town of Castle Dale Fire Chief Nosh Arrien presented the Memorandum of Understanding between the Emery County Fire Protection Special Services District and the city and town fire departments of the County of 'Emery to Castle Dale Town Council at their June meeting on Thursday June 13.

The MOU outlined the fire district's responsibilities and what it agreed to do for the various fire departments. Among these are the city's use of district-owned fire apparatus to ensure safe and effective fire suppression. The district will also provide insurance, inspections and testing necessary for the equipment to operate properly. The city's fire department will house the apparatus and provide workers' compensation and liability insurance for firefighters. They also need to provide timely response for their district area, which has also been shown on a map in the MoU.

Fire departments must be represented at district meetings and submit a maintenance log and a copy of apparatus inspections to receive district funds. The memorandum of understanding was approved and signed by Mayor Van Danny Wagoner. Chief Arrien also gave a report from the city's fire department, indicating that they are undergoing various training and that some firefighters are in the process of recertifying.

Joe's Valley Summer Camp representatives then requested to use the City Park Pavilion as a meeting and storage location for youth attending the summer camp from June 17 to August 15. The camp is aimed at young people aged 9 to 16.

Girl's Staters, Lily Sorensen and Natalie Pace, reported to the board about their week at Girl's State. They thanked the Council for their contribution and spoke of their experiences and responsibilities in running municipal government and the appreciation they have gained for local leaders.

A public hearing was then opened to collect citizen input on the 2025 budget and the 2024 revenue and expenditure budgets in order to make additions or adjustments to the 2024 budget. There were no public comments, l The hearing was therefore closed and the ordinary meeting was reopened. The budgets were then approved, while giving the city treasurer permission to adjust the various budget items.

It was announced that a public auction would be held online or at Castle Dale Town Hall, with various items being advertised in the new newspaper and online. These items will be sold as is and are no longer used by maintenance employees. A list of necessary items was also provided to council for purchase approval and, in accordance with the city's purchasing policy, will be reviewed by council.

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