
CARPHA concerned about tobacco use among Caribbean adolescents

On average, more Caribbean adolescents use tobacco than young people their age worldwide, which worries the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA).

According to a CARPHA press release, currently, 11.3% of adolescents aged 13 to 15 in the Region use tobacco, compared to a global average of 10.3%.

CARPHA cited the figures to mark World No Tobacco Day on Friday.

The organization noted that in the Caribbean region and around the world, progress has been made in reducing tobacco use, particularly among adolescents and young people.

However, CARPHA revealed that progress is under threat.

She has observed an increase in the use of electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems, also called electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) or vapes, particularly among young people.

CARPHA said the nicotine in e-cigarettes is highly addictive and can damage children's developing brains.

He also explains that young e-cigarette users likely double their chances of smoking cigarettes later in life.

“Smoking among Caribbean youth persists due to ingrained cultural norms. Celebrations and rituals often revolve around smoking, which complicates prevention efforts, while accessibility remains high despite regulatory measures,” the regional health agency said.

Additionally, the organization said that although modest reductions in adolescent smoking prevalence have been observed over five years, significant disparities persist among Caribbean countries.

As a result, CARPHA said that continued implementation of tobacco control measures is essential to sustain and accelerate the reduction in adolescent smoking rates regionally.

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