
Canada was the very first to see the appearance of new generation German SKUs

German defense giant Rheinmetall unveiled its latest unmanned ground systems [UGSs] in Canada, making the country the first to experiment with this revolutionary technology. This showcase took place at CANSEC 2024, a major Canadian electronics exhibition held recently in Ottawa.

Photo credit: Rheinmetall

Rheinmetall presented three UGS variants for the first time: Mission Master SP, Mission Master XT and Mission Master CXT. Attendees had the unique opportunity to interact with these futuristic vehicles via a Hardware-in-the-Loop simulator, allowing them to test the SKUs in a virtual but realistic environment.

The Mission Master SP, a low-profile autonomous unmanned ground vehicle [A-UGV], is designed to assist and protect dismounted soldiers during various high-risk missions. Equipped with a low signature electric motor, it excels in scenarios that demand stealth and agility.

Photo credit: Rheinmetall

This unmanned autonomous land vehicle [A-UGV] is designed for forward and last mile resupply missions, also excelling in silent surveillance operations and carrying lightweight payloads such as section sensors and weapon systems. Compact and highly mobile, the Mission Master SP can track troops closely, allowing them to advance towards the enemy without being detected.

The Rheinmetall Mission Master CXT stands out as a robust autonomous UGV designed to support troops in various missions, particularly in harsh environments. Its extreme terrain mobility, hybrid propulsion and advanced amphibious capabilities allow it to transport heavy payloads reliably and quietly, even in the most difficult conditions. Remarkably, it retains the ability to carry its full payload capacity of 1,000 kg, even in the most demanding situations.

Built to be rugged and reliable in the field, the Mission Master CXT combines the power of a diesel engine with a quiet electric motor, providing a total range of 450 km without refueling. [including 50 km on batteries]. Its built-in lithium-ion batteries are designed for quiet missions and can operate in both hot and cold weather. With its compact design, this A-UGV can be transported via internal cargo inside various aircraft, including the CH-47, CH-53 and C-130, as well as inside commercial aircraft.

Photo credit: Rheinmetall

The Rheinmetall Mission Master XT is an autonomous all-terrain land vehicle [A-UGV] designed to support troops in a myriad of missions, particularly in demanding environments. With its exemplary mobility over difficult terrain and advanced amphibious capabilities, the Mission Master XT can transport payloads up to 1,000 kg effortlessly, even in the harshest conditions you can imagine.

Reliable in all terrain scenarios, the Mission Master XT offers an impressive range of 750 km without the need to refuel. Additionally, it comes with a built-in battery that allows for silent operation of the watch for several hours, pushing its versatility even further. Ruggedly designed, it can handle a variety of sensors and weapon systems, allowing units to improve their range and firepower with larger caliber weapons and larger optics than they could otherwise. generally carry.

The backbone of the Mission Master series is the Rheinmetall PATH autonomy kit [A-kit], which gives these vehicles autonomous navigation and driving capabilities. This proven and reliable A-Kit allows military vehicles to operate unmanned, allowing soldiers to focus on other critical tasks and stay out of harm's way. The PATH system offers a wide range of teleoperation options, including control via tablet, smart watch, soldier system and single-handed remote control.

Photo credit: Rheinmetall

These cutting-edge devices provide full access to PATH's sophisticated features such as tracking, convoy and autonomous navigation modes. Each control mode is designed with multiple security levels to ensure safe operation at all times. Rheinmetall also ensures that a human is always involved in all kinetic operations, so that a machine never makes the decision to open fire. PATH has an open and flexible architecture, enabling rapid integration of the latest advances as artificial intelligence technologies advance.

CANSEC Canada is the largest and most important defense and security trade show in Canada. Held each year in Ottawa, it is a premier event to showcase the latest defense technologies, products and services.

The event is organized by the Canadian Association of Defense and Security Industries [CADSI]which represents more than 900 member companies that produce goods, technologies and services for the defense and security sectors.

CANSEC attracts a wide range of participants, including government officials, military personnel, industry leaders and international delegations. This makes it an important venue for networking, business development and political discussions.

CANSEC exhibitors include major defense contractors, small and medium-sized businesses, and innovative technology startups. They feature a wide range of products, from advanced weapons and military vehicles to cybersecurity solutions and unmanned systems.

The event also includes a series of conferences, panel discussions and keynote speeches by high-level figures from the defense and security sectors. These sessions provide insight into current trends, emerging threats, and future directions in defense technology and policy.

CANSEC plays a crucial role in facilitating collaboration and partnerships between Canadian and international defense and security organizations. It helps strengthen Canada's defense industrial base and increase its contribution to global security.


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