
Calgary teen caught in federal immigration backlog

He's lived in Calgary for a decade and applied for citizenship for three years, but one local teenager is still waiting to officially become Canadian.

Will Baker, 17, is one of two million people facing a long delay in citizenship.

Her mother, Miffy, sent Baker's paperwork and application in the spring of 2019. Now, just months before she turns 18, Baker is still waiting for answers about when — or if — her application will be accepted.

“It just shows that it’s happening,” Miffy told CTV News. “And this has been going on since May 2019. I still think I'm going to be patient and I'm not going to be the one complaining because the government isn't doing its job, but it's been three years.”

Baker was adopted from Portland in 2012 after his birth mother died.

He previously used Canada's visitor pass program, but no longer has a pass or official citizenship.

His family is also running out of options.

“He’s kind of a child without a country and it’s really difficult,” Miffy said. “I consider myself a smart, fairytale person, and it took all my brain power to get through (the application stages so far). I can't imagine someone who has English like second language trying to get through this process.

The family says correspondence with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is rare.

They tried to visit the officers in person and left dozens of voicemails and emails, many unanswered.

The situation is particularly problematic now that Baker is approaching adulthood. He is not legally able to obtain a health card, rent an apartment, drive or apply for a job.

“If I don’t have all of that, I can’t really function properly,” he said. “I do contract photography, but it's just not the same. I don't have a solid income and it's hard to see my friends have that ability when I don't.”

The IRCC said officers only received Baker's application in February 2021. They claim that in March it was lost in transit between processing offices, which can happen occasionally due to 'a human error.

He says IRCC will contact the family soon.


Recent IRCC data shows Canada's immigration backlog has ballooned to 2.4 million people. More than 250,000 applications for temporary and permanent residence and citizenship were added to the pile in a single month.

The increased delay has already led to frustrations for those waiting to receive an app update. Long processing times and a lack of communication and transparency are some of the many issues highlighted by those interviewed by CTV News.

For its part, the IRCC claims to have accelerated the immigration process by using virtual citizenship tests and hiring new staff.

But experts estimate it could take a year or more for the federal agency to catch up on the backlog of applications.

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