
Bruce Armstead sentenced for series of bank robberies

A 69-year-old man who robbed a series of Cincinnati-area banks has a history of “significant substance abuse” as well as mental health problems, a federal judge said at his sentencing Monday.

Bruce Armstead also suffers from a “myriad health problem,” U.S. District Judge Susan Dlott said. These anonymous medical issues led him to almost die while being held in the Butler County Jail awaiting resolution of his case. Armstead underwent surgery that likely saved his life after his public defender alerted the jail to his medical problems.

Armstead's addiction to crack cocaine was so severe that even after undergoing surgery, he relapsed and began using again, his federal public defender, Karen Savir, told Dlott.

The judge sentenced Armstead to 24 months in prison, which was agreed to as part of the plea deal. He faced a maximum sentence of 8 1/2 years in prison under federal sentencing guidelines.

Armstead will likely be housed at a federal prison in Lexington, Kentucky, equipped to accommodate prisoners with health problems. Dlott also recommended he undergo drug treatment.

In court Monday, Armstead said he now realizes he has to deal with his drug addiction. He said he wanted to be a productive member of society and “enjoy life.”

He also apologized for his crimes.

5 banks robbed in 3 months

Authorities say Armstead robbed five banks in Lockland, Deer Park, Mount Healthy and Wyoming between November 2021 and January 2022. Court documents say he stole nearly $80,000.

Armstead robbed a U.S. Bank in Lockland twice — on Nov. 2, 2021, and again on Nov. 13, 2021, according to court documents. He then robbed three other banks:

  • A Huntington Bank in Deer Park on December 8, 2021.
  • A Fifth Third Bank in Wyoming on December 14, 2021.
  • An American bank in Mount Healthy on January 7, 2022.

Armstead was arrested in March 2022 after an investigation involving the FBI as well as police departments from the municipalities where the thefts took place.

He pleaded guilty in April to a bank robbery charge.

During the Jan. 7, 2022, robbery in Mount Healthy, Armstead — wearing a black beanie, sunglasses, gloves and a surgical mask — approached a cashier and asked for change. According to court documents, after the teller asked Armstead what he needed, he pointed a handgun at the teller and demanded money.

The teller gave him money from a drawer, but Armstead said he knew there was more and the teller gave him additional money. Even then, according to the documents, Armstead said he knew there was more money “and again the teller gave him more.”

Armstead put the money in a pocket and fled.

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