
Brooklyn teen admits to accidentally shooting cousin

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The latest incident of gun violence claimed the life of a 14-year-old boy. What's even more heartbreaking is the identity of the suspected shooter.

A few moments before, preteen was hanging out with his cousinJasai Guy, 14, who he was visiting this weekend at his grandparents' house in Brownsville, according to AMNY. People in the neighborhood knew Jasai as the “popular kid” who played basketball, stayed in his books and stayed out of trouble, according to The New York Post.

Police said Jasai's grandfather was resting in the next room after taking sleeping pills. At one point, both found a gun. Police said they believed it belonged to the teen's father, who was a firefighter with the New York City Fire Department and was on vacation at the time.

While playing with the gun, it discharged and hit Jasai in the chest.

“I shot my cousin by accident, I don't want him to die,” a 12-year-old boy told police responding to a call of shots fired at a Brooklyn housing project. “I didn’t mean to.”

When police and paramedics arrived at the Howard Houses on Osbron Street, they transported Jasai to Brookdale University Hospital. However, he succumbed to his injuries.

Police said they were investigating whether the gun was obtained legally in the first place. it appears the gun was stored in Jasai's father's bedroom.

The preteen, who was not named by authorities because of his age, was arrested after confessing to cops that he shot his cousin. He was charged with involuntary manslaughter, criminal possession of a weapon and criminally negligent homicide.

A source from the 73rd district said The root they could not confirm whether the boy will be charged as an adult or a juvenile due to restrictions in the case. He was released into the custody of his mother until his next court appearance, according to the New York Daily News.

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