
Brooke Schofield makes explosive accusations against ex-Clinton Kane

TikTok is becoming the go-to platform for calling out problematic behavior — just ask influencer Brooke Schofield, who rocked the app with explosive allegations against her ex, Clinton Kane.

Schofield, who co-hosts the podcast Canceledtook to TikTok with a 14-part video series in which she accused Kane of pretending to be Australian, lying about the deaths of her entire family, pretending to be older and repeatedly cheating on her throughout throughout their relationship which lasted months.

Of course, all this didn't happen by chance. Schofield began the series in response to Kane promoting his new song via a TikTok, in which he appeared to reference their relationship with the following caption: “When you got over the relationship for two years but she didn't Don't stop barking. »

If you haven't devoured the story yet, we've got you covered. Below, we separate fact from fiction with each allegation made against Clinton Kane.

When did Brooke Schofield and Clinton Kane date?

Although we don't know exactly when the couple dated, it was in 2021.

Schofield said their romance started out like a fanfic, with Kane responding to her via DM, continually offering to take her to his place in Las Vegas and inviting her to his concerts. And while she also said she wasn't initially attracted to the singer, after attending two of his concerts and spending time with him, she said they formed a connection.

Schofield went on to explain that the couple both contracted COVID early in their romance and were forced to quarantine together. However, she alleged that Kane quickly blocked her from returning home or socializing with other friends, even after the isolation period ended.

“The first red flag I recognized was that he wouldn't let me have any alone time, and when I asked him to, he would start arguing with me and asking 'weird' questions like, 'Why don't you want to be with me?'” she described.

She also claimed that during their relationship, Kane told her about his upbringing in Perth, Australia, and the death of his entire family in 2020.

“He told me that his mother, father and brother all died in the same year, which is horrible, unimaginable. So I was speechless,” she said.

How did Brooke Schofield find out Clinton Kane was lying?

Cracks in the romance – and in Kane's story – began to appear when Kane's interview on the Zach Sang Show was published online.

“In the comments I saw someone write, 'That's really weird. I don't know where that Australian accent is coming from. He's not Australian, he's from Brunei,'” Schofield said.

According to Schofield, the comment came from someone who allegedly went to high school with Kane and read: “I know for a fact that he grew up in Brunei. We went to a school called Seri Mulia Sarjana for our primary and secondary education. So…. I don't know where that Australian accent comes from. Also, I knew his mother and brother when I was younger (15-16) and I know for a fact that they are alive and well.”

In one of the videos, Schofield explained that even though the comment made her doubt herself, she didn't actually confront Kane until their relationship ended because of his cheating. In fact, she lied about her contact with his mother to encourage him to admit his lie.

“I asked him, 'Why did you fake your family's death?' Of course he denied it. But then I told him, 'I talked to your mother,'” she revealed.

“He eventually admitted that he had actually faked the deaths of his mother and brother.”

“His father is dead, that's not a good thing. But one out of three is dead, and the rest are still kicking.”

So, is Clinton Kane's family alive?

Kane's manager released a statement to People to share his version of events, and confirmed that he had lied about his mother's death.

“Kane was blessed with a very special mother figure during his teenage years, who sadly passed away. Kane regrets the way this devastating news was communicated at the time (and) genuinely felt he had lost an irreplaceable mother figure. Kane was and is largely estranged from his immediate family,” the statement said.

Is Clinton Kane from Australia?

As for whether or not he is from Australia, the rep reiterated that story, saying he was born in the Philippines but raised in Australia.

“Although he moves frequently, he considers Australia his home. He has never been dishonest about this,” they said.

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