
Boys aged 13 and 17 deny murder of teenager found fatally stabbed in shopping center

Isaac Brown, 15, was found in New Square shopping center, West Bromwich, on Sunday April 7.

Two boys, aged 13 and 17, appeared at Wolverhampton Crown Court today charged with her murder as well as other offenses relating to the events of April 7.

The boys appeared in court with their parents

The 13-year-old pleaded not guilty to a robbery which occurred in the Cape Hill Asda car park on Sunday April 7 and to possession of a sharp article. He also pleaded not guilty to the murder of Isaac Brown in New Square on the same day and to a further charge of possessing a sharp article.

The 17-year-old also pleaded not guilty to the murder of Isaac Brown and possession of a sharp article.

Isaac Brown.

Both men will face trial, expected to last six weeks, later this year.

“Your case is adjourned for trial,” the judge said. “We need to finalize the date when this will take place, but at the moment it should take place around mid-November.”

Both men have been remanded in custody until their trial, which could take place in a court outside the Midlands.

The judge said: “Due to the ages of the accused, 13 and 17, the trial should take place as soon as possible. Cases like these are expected to take place in the local court with local people, with a recent case involving two 12-year-old defendants. olds took place in Nottingham.

“Thank you for coming today, we are adjourning this matter and there will be a trial in November, the venue to be determined at a later date, but it looks like Manchester is likely.”

In a tribute shortly after his death on April 7, Isaac's family described him as a “wonderful, loving, kind and happy son, brother, grandson, nephew and cousin” who was “fun and mischievous , always smiling and always there.” help”.

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