
Boston police arrested in Marlborough Street burglary – NBC Boston

A burglar surprised a Back Bay resident as she was getting ready to sleep Friday night before fleeing with jewelry to her uptown Boston home, police said.

The man was eventually arrested, hiding in the bushes down the street, Boston police said. The police allegedly found the jewelry, money and personal items belonging to the woman, which were returned to her.

The incident took place Friday evening at a home on Marlborough Street, police said Sunday. The resident said she spotted a stranger in her home when she was about to go to bed, then ran downstairs in fear.

She told officers she thought the man ran upstairs and fled via a roof deck, police said. She was able to describe the man and his backpack.

As officers searched for the burglar, they spotted an open window in a nearby building under construction and found a backpack matching the burglar's description inside, according to police.

Then officers found a man matching the burglar's description lying in some bushes with a screwdriver nearby, police said. He was arrested and identified as George Correa, a 46-year-old man from Dorchester.

He had nine oxycodone pills on him, according to police, who arrested him on charges including breaking and entering, drug possession and theft.

Correa was expected to answer the charges in Boston Municipal Court. It was not immediately clear whether he had an attorney who could speak about his arrest.

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