
Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari Parker talk raising teenagers and celebrating 17 years of marriage

Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari Parker are the epitome of couple goals. With 17 years of marriage under their belt, two teenagers, and a thriving career in entertainment, it's easy to wonder “how do they do it all?” The power couple met on the set of Food for the soul20 years ago and married in 2005. Although they have been inseparable since, they now divide their time between New York and Los Angeles, while working on their independent projects – Ari Parker is preparing for a second season of the HBO series And just like thatwhile Boris films for season 6 of ABC Station 19. Despite the chaos, they still find time to maintain the privacy of their relationship and focus on their family.

For their next act, the dynamic duo teamed up with Microban 24 and Bounty to show how easy it is to simplify the daily cleaning routine when life and parenting keep them busy. EBONY spoke with the couple about how they balance their busy careers and raising a family, all while keeping the spark of their marriage alive for nearly two decades.

EBONY: How would you describe each of your roles at home? Is one of you a better cook, the other a better organizer? Or do you compromise?

Nicole Ari Parker (NP): We can both cook, but Boris is the KING of breakfast and I love making big Sunday and holiday dinners.

What inspired you to partner with Bounty and Microban 24? What about the brands you are connected with?

Boris Kodjoe (BK): Between our busy careers, our travels and our life with two teenagers, And two dogs, things were getting a little complicated. Bounty and Microban24 contacted us at the perfect time as we were looking for a quick and easy cleaning routine. With both products we can keep our hard surfaces clean and it's so simple. Simply spray Microban 24, wipe with Bounty to pick up everyday messes and spills, spray Microban 24 again to disinfect, then walk away. That's it. We love knowing that we're putting an extra layer of protection on our surfaces, whether we're at home or on set.

17 years of marriage, raising two children is no easy feat! Have you discovered that you have to sacrifice something about yourself or your lifestyle to keep your marriage strong?

BK: Married, two children, two dogs, two careers… we cry every day! But seriously, we really try not to view this as a sacrifice but rather as a “wow it's hard but it's so good, let's do this…'. It's a challenge to build and enjoy a life with someone, but we want to do it.

What are your tried-and-true tips for keeping the fire in your relationship during all this chaos?

BK: Kissing for no reason, surprise days, spiritual recordings.

What is your special place in a relationship with? A place that has meaning for both of you, where you can go to reconnect and recharge your batteries?

AP: At home, our bedroom was redesigned by our friend the incredible Nikki Chu, so it now feels like a sanctuary and not just a place to pass out after a long day.

You both set the bar for finding and maintaining a romantic partnership. As your children become young adults, what advice do you give them about dating and finding a partnership?

BK: There are no meetings.

NP: Haha! Just be cool with it all, take it slow, get to know them, listen, talk if you feel weird or uncomfortable, have fun, don't hang out in front of the TV all day or on your phone taking photos/texting, be careful and say so. me if they do something wrong so I can call their mom.

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