
Battle over children of law office shooting victim continues | Courts

In a minor guardianship case stemming from the law office shooting that killed Dennis Prince and his wife, Ashley Prince, a judge ruled Tuesday that she will continue to have Ashley Prince's father act as guardian of the children's property.

On April 8, Ashley Prince’s former father-in-law, attorney Joe Houston, shot and killed Ashley Prince, 30, Dennis Prince, 57, and himself during a deposition at Dennis Prince’s law office. Dennis Prince was co-counsel in his wife’s heated custody case against her ex-husband, Dylan Houston, who is also an attorney and was represented by his father.

In the aftermath of the shooting, Ashley Prince's parents are battling with Dylan Houston over custody and guardianship of the former couple's children, a 5-year-old girl and a 4-year-old boy.

At Tuesday's hearing before District Judge Dawn Throne, most parties appeared via Zoom.

Ashley Prince's parents, Julie and Paul Page, were present, along with their attorney, Dana Dwiggins. Dylan Houston and his attorney, Thomas Standish, were also present. Only Marina Dalia-Hunt, the attorney representing the children, was present in the courtroom.

Judge Throne said she would extend Paul Page's appointment as temporary guardian until July 22, when another hearing has been scheduled. She acknowledged that Houston had opposed the Pages' guardianship application, but said she believed the children needed a guardian for their property. She said she could determine who that guardian would be at an evidentiary hearing.

Dwiggins said the parties filed a joint motion to consolidate the custody and guardianship cases so they can both be heard before the throne.

A hearing on the motion is scheduled for July 11.

In a previous order, District Judge Bill Henderson granted temporary custody of the children to Lexie Page, Ashley Prince's sister, with a provision that Dylan Houston be granted supervised visitation.

Questions remain, including who will be the ultimate guardian of the children's property, how the property will be divided and whether the children will be able to live together.

Contact Noble Brigham at [email protected]. Follow @BrighamNoble on X.

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