
Autauga County Sheriff Mark Harrell supports evacuating jail over mold infestation, fight continues with county commission

Autauga County Sheriff Mark Harrell is still at odds with the county commission weeks after Harell vacated the county jail until health and safety hazards like prolific black mold , are resolved.

Harrell announced the evacuation of the Autauga County Jail on June 6, transferring inmates to other facilities until the facility can be returned to a safe condition.

Shortly after the evacuation, the jail and courthouse were subjected to tests to measure growth and damage from mold and other hazards. The county commission and Harrell commissioned separate tests from different companies to test the level of contamination, with both presenting seemingly conflicting reports.

A Plus Cleaning & Restoration, based in Childersburg, conducted the study on behalf of the sheriff's office, and the commission brought in Montgomery-based Environmental Materials Consultants (EMC) to study the mold.

The A Plus report said mold had affected almost every area of ​​the prison and an evacuation was necessary. No concerning concentrations of airborne mold spores were detected during A Plus's testing. However, A Plus said mold spores only disappear into the air after removing the source of moisture. The humidity is caused by a dysfunctional HVAC system that hasn't been repaired in years.

The report also states that several areas of the prison contain Stachybotrys, also known as black mold. Black mold is commonly recognized as the most dangerous species of mold. The spores of this mold produce mycotoxins, which are toxic to humans if inhaled, eaten or touched.

The full A Plus report on the jail and courthouse, which includes photos, is available below.


A more prison report. by Craig Monger on Scribd

One more courthouse, sheriff's building report. by Craig Monger on Scribd

In contrast, the EMC report gave a more vague description of the mold problem, estimating in the report that most mold is normal and does not cause illicit negative health consequences.

“Mold is present in most environments around the world,” the EMC report states. “There are thousands of types of mold with many types of subspecies. Everyone is exposed to mold spores in office buildings, stores, restaurants, at home and daily in the natural environment. The types of mold identified at the time of this assessment are very typical and extremely common in most indoor air environments, particularly in Alabama. Most individuals with healthy immune systems do not experience health problems or reactions under certain conditions and when spore counts remain within a normal or average range.

The EMC report acknowledges the presence of black mold but describes it as “rare.”

A full copy of the EMC report to the County Commission is available below.

EMC report. by Craig Monger on Scribd

Both companies suggested HVAC system repairs and other safety procedures, with A Plus recommending a more thorough and extreme treatment plan. EMC did not say whether it believed the building should be evacuated. However, he agreed with A Plus in suggesting that appropriate PPE, including N95 masks or respirators and disposable clothing, be worn by everyone in the building until repairs are made.

Both companies also observed the Autauga County Courthouse. Similarly, EMC claimed no visible mold was present, while A Plus said there was mold. EMC said it found “dusty conditions” on air diffusers and suspended ceiling tiles outside the courtroom, while A Plus said mold dust and debris on all air vents. A Plus also recommended replacing internally insulated ductwork and any porous materials affected by mold. This includes ceiling tiles, plasterboard, clothing and any other organic material.

During a Thursday appearance on Talk 93.1's “News and Views” with Joey Clark, Harrell was joined by the sheriff's attorney, Dwight “Tray” Richardson, to discuss the ongoing battle. Harrell said he has tried to remedy the situation since being appointed to the position in January 2023 following the death of his predecessor.

According to Harrell, the decision to vacate the prison came after a long process of unsuccessfully trying to find work with the commission. He also said the transfer of the prison's 168 inmates took place without incident.

“I had to make a decision,” Harrell said. “I knew I made the right decision, regardless of what was said in public.”

“I had to weigh the good and the bad. The good thing is I was protecting people, and that’s what I was going to do first, is protect people,” he continued.

Richardson also supported Harrell's decision to evacuate, saying leaving inmates and employees in a potentially dangerous environment could leave the sheriff's office open to litigation.

Harrell and Richardson expressed disbelief at the lack of attention to the mold problem, both saying the commission failed to recognize the seriousness of the problem, with the exception of Commissioner Larry Stoudemire. Not only mold, but also severe rust, a fire alarm that doesn't work, and much more.

“The county's own insurance company has noticed a lot of this stuff and the county has been informed and is aware of it,” Richardson said. “One of them, as the sheriff said, was the rusty doors. And their insurance company was very explicit that it needed to be taken care of because it posed a risk to everyone there. Not only because of the sharp, rusty edges, but it would also be a place where someone could hide a weapon or contraband. So the sheriff is doing everything he can here, but, I mean, what is this guy supposed to do when he's calling for help from the rooftops and no one is helping him.

Harrell said he intends to return the inmates to prison only after the issues in the report have been resolved.

“It’s not a short process,” Harrell concluded. “I'm not a construction worker and I don't see a short-term solution for anyone to return to this prison. I'm just going to do what I can to make sure that when we go back to that prison, my moral compass is turning in the right direction to be able to do this.

After the first evacuation, the commission issued a statementsaying this would be his last word on the subject, without making any further comment.

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