
Arturo Ulloa gets 50 years in prison for stabbing his girlfriend 20 times in Escondido

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A man who stabbed his girlfriend more than 20 times in front of her children in Escondido was sentenced Wednesday to 50 years to life in prison.

Arturo Ulloa, 43, was convicted earlier this year for the Feb. 1, 2023, attack on the couple's apartment on North Quince Street.

The victim woke up that morning to Ulloa strangling her, according to the San Diego County District Attorney's Office. At one point, he stopped, then began strangling her again, the prosecutor's office said.

As she tried to flee, Ulloa stabbed her more than 20 times with five different knives, according to prosecutors, who said the victim's children — ages 4 and 7 — witnessed the crime and ran to get help from a neighbor.

Ulloa then allegedly fled the scene and attempted to carjack someone.

A Vista jury convicted Ulloa in January of attempted murder, aggravated mayhem, attempted carjacking and child endangerment.

The prosecutor's office said Ulloa also has 11 prior convictions for armed robbery.

A GoFundMe page set up last year to raise money for the victim's medical expenses said she suffered injuries to her head, face, hands, arms, torso and throat.

“This is a heinous crime, committed in front of the victim’s children,” said prosecutor Summer Stephan. “It’s incredible that she survived the attack and it’s a testament to her resilience and courage that she was able to give evidence at the trial. Today, a measure of justice has been served.

The district attorney's office said strangulation during domestic violence incidents is a common precursor to homicide. Other forms of domestic violence include physical assault, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, stalking, and financial exploitation.

Anyone who is a victim or knows someone who is a victim of violence is advised to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

The DA's Office also lists additional resources at and provides free support services at One Safe Place: the North County Family Justice Center located in San Marcos for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, children. abuse, hate crimes, human trafficking, elder abuse and more.

City News Service contributed to this article.

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