
Angel Chico sentenced in Struthers, Ohio shooting

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) — A man who pleaded guilty to a shooting in Struthers was sentenced Thursday to six to seven and a half years in prison.

Angel Chico, 28, received the sentence from Judge Anthony Donofrio in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court after pleading guilty earlier this year to charges of felonious assault, a second-degree felony, and domestic violence , a first-degree misdemeanor.

Chico pleaded guilty to a July 23 shooting on Elm Street in which a 50-year-old man was shot in the leg.

Deputy District Attorney Kevin Day asked for a sentence of 10 to 13 years in prison, saying several other people were present at the home where Chico shot the man and it was fortunate no one else was there. touch.

“He showed complete disregard for the safety of others,” Day said.

The victim's sister took the stand and told the judge that Chico is the father of her granddaughter and that he is a good father. She said he was using drugs at the time of the shooting and she wanted him to get treatment for his drug problem.

“He’s not a monster. It just fell the wrong way,” she said.

Chico's mother told the judge that Chico was at home reconciling with his girlfriend. She said her son had been up for seven days straight because of the drugs he was taking and reacted when someone pointed a gun at him.

Day said there were no reports of anyone else in the home having a gun.

Defense attorney Damian Billak asked for a lower sentence than Day requested. He said his client had a history of mental health issues for which he received medication in prison and had not taken drugs since his arrest.

Billak also said that the victim's representative seems to be more interested in treatment than punishment and that should also be taken into account.

Chico apologized.

“I’m sorry for the choices I made that day,” he said. “I wasn’t in the right frame of mind.”

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