
Amman Summit for Gaza Demands Israel Stops Using Starvation as a Weapon of War

Participants at the Gaza Emergency Humanitarian Response Conference called for allowing humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip and pressuring Israel not to use starvation of civilians as a method of war against the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. They stressed that there was no safe zone in Gaza.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has placed responsibility for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza squarely on Israel.

He demanded an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire, an end to the use of famine as a weapon and the removal of all obstacles to the delivery of aid.

King Abdullah II of Jordan stressed the urgency of the situation, saying humanitarian aid to Gaza cannot be delayed by political agendas or wait for a ceasefire. He expressed deep concern over the deteriorating conditions in Gaza, particularly in light of the recent Rafah operation.

The Gaza Emergency Humanitarian Response Conference is being held in Amman and is jointly organized by the United Nations, Jordan and Egypt, attended by representatives from 75 countries and heads of international humanitarian and relief organizations.

It aims to identify ways to strengthen the international community's response to the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called on the international community and the UN Security Council to pressure Israel to open all land borders with Gaza and transfer control to the Palestinian government.

He reiterated the need for a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces and a political solution based on international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative.

Abbas added: “Before all this, efforts must continue for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, in order to pave the way for the creation of the State of Palestine and its full development. homework.”

Separately, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on all parties involved in the conflict to reach an agreement on the ceasefire plan proposed by US President Joe Biden.

“I welcome the peace initiative recently proposed by President Biden and urge all parties to seize this opportunity and reach an agreement,” Guterres said a day after the Security Council approved the proposed plan .

Guterres called conditions in Gaza “unfortunate,” saying the rapid pace and scale of deaths and killings there are the worst he has seen since taking over as UN secretary-general in 2017.

He stressed that there is no safe place in the Gaza Strip and that the situation is deteriorating, noting that all aid is being prevented from entering.

Guterres reported that 80% of the population in the Gaza Strip does not have access to clean water due to the continued war and the cessation of aid. He said the fear felt by residents of the Gaza Strip must end, calling for an end to the war and respect for international law.

The UN secretary-general called for the release of the detainees, calling on Israel and Hamas to quickly reach an agreement, protect civilians in the Gaza Strip and secure the infrastructure necessary for their livelihoods.

He stressed the need for governments and people to contribute to the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, noting that the solution in Gaza is political and requires peace and coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians.

At the summit, King Abdullah awarded the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) the “First Class Independence” medal in recognition of its vital role in providing aid and of essential services to Palestinian refugees.

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