
American woman missing since March arrives at Riviera Maya hotel on company staff bus

Riviera Maya, QR — An American woman missing in Playa del Carmen since early March has been found in a hotel in Riviera Maya. The woman went missing on March 12 this year and was found this weekend after arriving at a hotel with a busload of staff.

Hotel staff called authorities after seeing the woman get off the staff bus with other hotel employees arriving for an afternoon shift. The police were called after her questioning and hotel authorities realized she knew nothing other than her name and did not speak Spanish.

Responding officers arrived at the hotel where they found the 70-year-old woman in good health. She was among a group of hotel workers arriving for work Friday afternoon from the Villas del Sol residential area of ​​Playa del Carmen.

City police did not provide details on where she had been since March or how she ended up on a hotel staff bus.

In a brief note, the Seguridad Ciudadana Solidaridad (SSC) stated that “the Municipal Police of Solidaridad located and treated a person who was the subject of a disappearance alert of the “Alba Protocol” since March 12 of this year .

“On Friday afternoon, elements of the Preventive Police and GEAVIG went to a hotel located on Boulevard Playa del Carmen – Puerto Morelos, at km 300, from where they called the emergency line 9-1 -1 because a woman of foreign origin arrived in the establishment on the transport of staff arriving from the Villas del Sol housing estate.

“As she was not a collaborator, they asked her for certain information, however, she only mentioned her name because she did not speak Spanish and did not know other general information.

“The multidisciplinary team of the Specialized Family and Gender Violence Care Group provided psychological support, as well as research and location work of their support network, finding that they had an Alba Protocol report since March of this year.

“Subsequently, the woman, Pamela Riebesehl, aged 70, from the United States, was referred to the Delegation of the Attorney General's Office for protection.”

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