
AMD Suffers Huge Alleged Data Hack

Chip manufacturing company AMD has reportedly suffered a massive data hack, which could include sensitive employee and customer data.

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is currently working with law enforcement to investigate claims of a massive data breach. by hacking group IntelBroker. THE the first reports of the hack came to Xwhich will be reported later by PC Mag.

“We are aware of a cybercriminal organization claiming to be in possession of stolen AMD data,” the company told PCMag on Tuesday. “We are working closely with law enforcement and a third-party hosting partner to investigate the claim and the significance of the data.”

According to the original post on source code, firmware and financials”. This is a wide range of information that may be sensitive to people inside and outside the company.

How bad could this data hack be for AMD?

PC Gamer reports that IntelBroker has already successfully targeted EU law enforcement agency Europol and British bank Barclays. As other sources on also claim to have AMD data for sale, it seems that the group actually has control of the confidential data.

However, some data appears to be out of date, with several employees visible in a screenshot of the stolen information marked as “inactive.” If this is true for all data, it could be that the information obtained is no longer relevant (although it could also be that the most sensitive information is currently hidden from the public).

With the chip manufacturing sector being the backbone of the PC industry, information about upcoming technologies and models could be very valuable in the right hands. It remains to be seen how far the data hacking will go and what kind of results AMD expects.

AMD is not alone in experiencing these types of cybercrime attacks, with Dell and a wide range of other major technology companies also reporting similar breaches.

Featured image: Ideogram

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