
Amazon delivery made with smoke seen in the air – NBC Boston

A fire over the holiday weekend severely damaged a home in Medfield, Massachusetts.

The homeowners were away and wondering why an Amazon driver who came to the house and saw smoke didn't call 911.

“Thank God my kids weren’t home. My dogs were not in the house. Because it could have been a lot worse,” said Peter McArdle, who has owned the house for 13 years.

McArdel says the fire broke out Saturday while he and his family were away. Surveillance video from his garage shows an Amazon driver leaving a package — apparently unaware of the presence of a container of building materials smoking in the driveway.

“I continue to play it. It’s amazing that you can walk through the smoke, see the fire in the trash can, walk away and close the door behind you and go to your next delivery,” McArdel said.

Several hours after the delivery, a neighbor noticed the flames and called 911. The fire department says the fire started because of combustible materials improperly disposed of by contractors working on the home.

McArdle and his wife arrived from Cape Town after receiving a call that his house was on fire. Finally, he called Amazon to tell them what happened.

“I had a woman who talked to two different managers and said they didn't want to take your call because they weren't responsible for the fire,” he said.

McArdle says he's not looking to blame anyone and understands how the fire started. His only point: if you see something, say something.

“And that was the whole intention of my call, was to make them aware that guys with common sense would say call the fire department and then go to your next delivery,” he said. told NBC10 Boston.

We've reached out to Amazon for comment, but have yet to receive a response.

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