
Amazing teen with epilepsy to donate hair after rare brain surgery

A TEENAGE girl with epilepsy has become an inspiration to many after donating her hair following a rare brain operation in the hope of becoming free of her seizures.

Sophie Morgan, a 13-year-old girl from Newport, has lived with epilepsy all her life and, until very recently, was faced with a situation where no treatment was available to help her stop his seizures.

However, on Tuesday June 4, Sophie underwent the first of two very rainy brain operations in the hope of being seizure free soon.

This operation meant that Sophie had to brave shaving and say goodbye to her hair; So it was with this in mind that she decided it would be great and interesting to shave her hair for a brilliant cause, The Little Princess Trust.

The Princess Trust is a Herefordshire charity which provides wigs to children and adults suffering from cancer or alopecia, with the requirement of 12 inches of hair. Sophie's 13 inches will therefore be of great help and will possibly be offered to a young child in need. a wig.

South Wales Argus: Sophie donates 13 inches of her hair after shaving it for surgery

Sophie donates 13 inches of her hair after shaving it for surgery (Image: Morgan family)

Sophie's uncle Tom Morgan, a Newport Transport coach mechanic, is incredibly proud of everything the family have done and said of Sophie: It's a really brave thing to do and say so openly .

“I know how important her hair was to her. I really hope her surgery is successful because I can't wait to see her well again and get back to normal.”

As part of her fundraising for the Little Princess Trust, Sophie and her mother Erica Morgan have set up a JustGiving page, where people can donate as little money as possible, to help Sophie reach her target of 1,000 £.

Sophie added: “For these surgeries I had to lose my hair, which is a big deal for any girl! However, I would like some good to come of it, so I am donating 13 inches of my hair and I would like to harvest some.” money to finance the manufacturing costs of these wigs.

“This will ensure that The Little Princess Trust can continue to work with people like Sophie and provide wigs to those who need them.”

If you would like to learn more about Sophie's story and donate, you can visit the JustGiving page here.

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