
Alleged New York Child Rapist Arrested: Letters to the Editor

The problem: An illegal immigrant is arrested for the sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl in a Queens park.

A man was arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl in Queens, the latest example of President Biden's catastrophic open border policy (“Migrant 'filmed' kid rape”, June 20).

President Biden's border policies are negatively affecting every facet of American life, from crime, inflation, education and more. And while his Democratic colleagues complain about not receiving enough funds to finance the disaster they themselves created, what are they telling us about the actual border closures? Crickets.

Until these same politicians are removed from office, the gradual destruction of the country will only continue.

James McCaffrey


This tragic crime should never have happened. The Biden administration and current leaders in New York who support his open borders policy will continue to make innocent Americans victims of rape, murder and many other crimes.

They seem to care more about people who break the law to enter the United States than they do about law-abiding citizens.

Congratulations to the brave people who captured the suspected criminal. Mayor Adams and the governor should resign.

Greg Grammen


The headline on the front page of June 20 unnecessarily refers to a man who confessed to raping a 13-year-old girl as an illegal migrant.

If he had been an American citizen, would the Post refer to him as such?

Undocumented immigrants are mostly hard-working people who contribute enormously to our society by doing jobs that others are often unwilling to do, and they receive little gratitude for their sacrifice.

They help solve major labor shortages that exist in many sectors. They pick our food, care for our elderly, and (according to numerous studies) they commit crimes at lower rates than American citizens.

Undocumented immigrants have a hard enough life not to be defamed on the front page of the Post.

Laurent Reichard

Belfast, Maine

The woman who identified and apprehended the alleged rapist did Medal of Honor-worthy work (“Femme Fatale Sent a Message,” June 20).

More people should be aware of this person's courage. This bastard deserves corporal punishment. His victim will have to live with this violation, mentally and physically, for the rest of his life.

Mo Colarusso


While our sleepwalker-in-chief procrastinates during his presidency, Vice President Kamala Harris has traveled to Central America to examine the “root causes” of the immigration crisis, as innocent citizens are gravely harmed, mutilated and worse. As evidenced by the recent rape of a 13-year-old girl in Queens.

Does anyone need another reason to remove him from office in November?

Antoine Parks

Garden city

Biden created a border crisis that resulted in the assault of this young girl.

How many more citizens have to be sexually assaulted before Democrats figure this out?

L. Schäfer


Thank God all the Good Samaritans in New York came to the rescue and beat and tied up this man who had raped a 13 year old girl.

Essentially, these courageous and honorable citizens cleaned up the dirty work left by Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Due to the failure of this administration's border policy, Biden and Mayorkas are 100% responsible for what happened to this child. As a result, Biden and Mayorkas should be removed from office due to their dereliction of duty.

JoAnn Lee Frank

Clearwater, Florida.

If the borders were closed, this man would not have been allowed into the country and the girl would not have been raped.

The United States should close all its borders.

Thomas Sarc

Central Islip

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