
“Alleged Israeli espionage against ICC” – Dutch lawmakers call for investigation

Fatou Bensouda, ICC prosecutor. (Photo: ICC website)

The motion, citing international media reports, demanded that the three ministries, along with Dutch intelligence services, investigate allegations of Israeli spying and intimidation against the ICC.

Dutch lawmakers have called for an investigation into allegations of spying and intimidation by Israel to obstruct International Criminal Court (ICC) investigations into Israeli officials, Anadolu news agency reported .

A written question submitted by Kati Piri, a member of the House of Representatives, urged ministers to investigate the alleged activities, according to the report. Piri is a member of the Green Left-Labor alliance, led by former European Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans.

A request, supported by other members of the Green Left and the Labor Party, was addressed to Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot, Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Hugo de Jonge and Minister of Justice and of Security Dilan Yesilgoz-Zegerius.

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The motion, citing international media reports, demanded that the three ministries, along with Dutch intelligence services, investigate allegations of Israeli spying and intimidation against the ICC.

These efforts reportedly aim to disrupt investigations into war crimes committed in the Palestinian territories.

The British newspaper The Guardian, citing informed sources, revealed last week that Israel had waged a secret campaign against the ICC for almost a decade.

Details of Israel's campaign to thwart the ICC investigation were reportedly uncovered through interviews with more than two dozen current and former Israeli intelligence officers, government officials, senior ICC officials, of diplomats and lawyers familiar with the matter and Israel's efforts to undermine it.

“Surveillance and threats”

The Israeli campaign allegedly involved the use of intelligence agencies to “monitor, hack, pressure, defame and allegedly threaten senior ICC officials with the aim of derailing the Court's investigations.”

According to the investigation by The Guardian, Israeli magazines +972 and Local Call, Israeli intelligence services intercepted the communications of numerous ICC officials, including Karim Khan and his predecessor Fatou Bensouda, capturing phone calls, messages , emails and documents.

“Surveillance has continued in recent months, allowing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to know in advance the prosecutor's intentions,” the report said.

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Duty as Host State

The Dutch lawmakers' motion emphasizes that as host state of the ICC, which is headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands has a duty to prevent any attacks or threats against the international court.

He questioned how Dutch authorities planned to ensure that ICC prosecutor Karim Khan and the court's judges could act independently and without interference, the report said.

According to The Guardian, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has closely followed these intelligence operations against the ICC, described by one intelligence source as being “obsessed with interceptions regarding this matter.”

The motion highlighted an incident involving former ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, whose home in The Hague was raided by two individuals suspected of working for Israeli intelligence.

Bensouda reported the incident to Dutch authorities, Anadolu said.

Piri's motion also asked ministers to disclose the number of complaints received from the ICC, Palestinian non-governmental organizations and individuals regarding attempts at intimidation, bribery, blackmail or espionage by Israel or other countries since 2015.

Destined to sabotage

According to Anadolu, the motion claimed that Israel's alleged espionage activities are aimed at sabotaging ICC investigations into crimes committed by Israeli officials in the Palestinian territories.

She expressed concern about whether witnesses to crimes might feel intimidated about testifying before the ICC and questioned whether the Netherlands could adequately protect witnesses and victims.

The motion further called on Dutch ministers to clarify their position on the Israeli government's designation of six Palestinian human rights groups as “terrorist organizations” in October 2021.

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He also requested an assessment of the designations and allegations against UNRWA, the United Nations Palestine Refugee Agency.

Additionally, it demands an investigation into the possible involvement of the Israeli diplomatic mission in The Hague in alleged intimidation activities against the ICC.

“Will you summon the Israeli ambassador to demand an explanation and convey the message that campaigns of espionage and intimidation on Dutch soil are unacceptable? he asked.

He called for an investigation into whether Israel committed crimes aimed at obstructing the administration of justice, referring to Article 70 of the Rome Statute, the founding treaty of the ICC, which regulates crimes against administration of justice.

Arrest warrants

Karim Khan, who succeeded Bensouda in June 2021, inherited the Palestine inquiry.

“When he took office, other investigations… competed for his attention,” The Guardian reported. October 7, however, changes the situation. Khan visited Gaza, the occupied West Bank and southern Israel, issuing statements warning Israel against military action.

In February 2024, Khan announced that he was seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant alongside three Hamas leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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More than 36,000 killed

Currently on trial before the International Court of Justice for genocide against the Palestinians, Israel has been waging a devastating war in Gaza since October 7.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, 36,379 Palestinians have been killed and 82,407 injured in the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza since October 7.

Additionally, at least 11,000 people are missing, presumed dead under the rubble of their homes across the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian and international organizations say the majority of those killed and injured are women and children.

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The Israeli war has led to acute famine, mainly in northern Gaza, resulting in the deaths of many Palestinians, mostly children.

Israeli aggression has also led to the forced displacement of nearly two million people from across the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of those displaced forced to take refuge in the densely populated southern town of Rafah, near the border with Egypt – in what became the largest city in Palestine. Mass exodus since the Nakba of 1948.

Israel says 1,200 soldiers and civilians were killed during the Al-Aqsa flooding operation on October 7. Israeli media published reports suggesting that many Israelis were killed that day by “friendly fire.”

(Anadolu, PC)

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