
Alleged Harassment Case Increases Investigation, Inactive Chancellor's Camp Summons Numerous Irregularities

The inactive chancellor of Pancasila University or UP, Edie Toet Hendratno, responded to the police's decision to take the alleged sexual harassment case to the investigation stage.

Edie Toet's lawyer, Faizal Hafied, said there were many irregularities in the case.

“We will prove it in due course. That there are many irregularities in this matter,” Faizal told reporters on Saturday, June 15.

According to him, the affair that happened to his client was considered a political maneuver with a view to the election of the rector. There was an attempted tackle by the opponent.

“Including those who collect, people should report our customers when the rector election process will take place at Pancasila University. So this report is very political,” he said.

Regarding the results of the autopsy and psychiatric repertum, Faizal did not comment much. It was only stated that he still could not receive an explanation for the autopsy results which indicated that there had been an alleged criminal act of harassment.

“We have not received any comments on the autopsy results as we have not received a copy of the autopsy results from the police hospital,” Faizal said.

The police decided to raise the status of the alleged sexual harassment case and reported Edie Toet Hendratno at the investigation stage.

The decision to bring the case to the investigation stage is based on the results of the case with the discovery of a criminal element. So, right now, investigators are looking for evidence and clues to determine the suspect.

“The development of allegations of sexual harassment by rectors of a private university has been investigated,” said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi.

In this case, Edie Toet Hendratno (ETH) is the reported figure. He is suspected of having harassed his employees, RZ (42 years old) and D.

RZ himself reported this case to Polda Metro Jaya under the number LP/B/193/I/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA dated January 12, 2024. Edie Toet Hendratno was reported based on the article 6 of Law Number 12 of 2022. concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS).

Meanwhile, D reported the incident to Bareskrim Polri. However, this case has been officially transferred to Polda Metro Jaya for further investigation.

Tag: rektor up pelecehan universitas pancasila

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