
Alleged French spy linked to Swiss NGO arrested in Russia

The suspected spy was apprehended in a Moscow cafe.

Keystone/Youri Kochetov

A French national who works as an advisor to a Swiss non-governmental organization (NGO) has been arrested in Moscow for alleged espionage.

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French President Emmanuel Macron told television channels TF1 and France2 on June 6 that the arrested man was a French citizen and worked for a Swiss NGO.

The Center for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), a Switzerland-based non-profit organization based in Geneva, said it was aware of the arrest of the Frenchman, who worked for the group as an adviser on Russia and the 'Eurasia. She said she was seeking more details about the circumstances and securing his release.

Russia's State Investigative Commission said Thursday that the man tried to obtain information about the military and military technology in Russia. The Frenchman has visited Moscow several times and met with Russian citizens. A court will decide whether he should be remanded in custody.

The State Investigative Committee also published a video of the arrest of the man, who was at a Moscow cafe at the time. Details of the case have not been disclosed.

However, relations between Moscow and France have become much more tense since French President Emmanuel Macron attempted to organize European resistance to Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. Macron also does not rule out the possibility of sending military trainers to Ukraine.

+ Read more: Macron says Europe must be ready in case of escalation in Russia

By arresting foreigners, Russia puts pressure on other countries and uses these individuals as bargaining chips for possible exchange deals.

Adapted from German by DeepL/kc/sb

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