
Alleged dowry-related harassment: Husband stabs wife's brother to death

A tragedy occurs when a youngster goes to rescue his sister in the city's Ramakrishnanagar 'I' ward.

Mysore/Mysuru: A young man, who went to his sister's house to bring her back following allegations dowry harassment by her husband and family members, met a tragic end, when he was stabbed to death yesterday in Ramakrishnanagar's 'I' block.

The deceased was identified as Abhishek (26), son of Swamy Gowda and a resident of Koorgalli on the outskirts of the city. Abhishek's friend Gautham, who was with him, was also seriously injured in the melee and was admitted to a private hospital in the city.

The accused are deceased Abhishek's brother-in-law Ravichandra, brother Kumar, mother Sharada, aunt Padma and son Karthik. It is learned that accused Ravichandra was also injured and admitted to the hospital. The other accused – Kumar, Sharada, Padma and Karthik – fled the scene.

Details: S. Vidya, daughter of Swamy Gowda of Koorgalli, was married to Ravichandra, son of late Basavaraju and the couple has a three-year-old son.

It is learned that Ravichandra, an employee of the horticulture department office near Jayachamaraja Wadiyar circle (Hardinge circle), received 100 grams of gold and Rs. 5 lakh in cash as dowry during the marriage which took place from grandiose way.

But within six months of the marriage, Vidya's husband Ravichandra, mother-in-law Sharada and brother-in-law Kumar, their relatives Padma and son Karthik started harassing Vidya to frequently bring her more dowry.

About a year ago, when Ravichandra had asked for money to start a business, Vidya's family had given Rs. 2 lakh in cash, but Ravichandra asked Vidya to register a house and site in her name and started torturing her, after which Vidya's family members allegedly told them that they would register the house and site in the grandson's name in the future.

It is learned that despite assurances from Vidya's family, her husband (Vidya), mother-in-law and others started abusing her and issuing death threats.

On Saturday morning, Ravichandra asked Vidya where she had gone on Friday, to which she told him that she had taken her grandfather, who had undergone an eye operation, to the hospital, after which Ravichandra started to mistreat her. He also asked her to call her parents, otherwise he would kill her, after which Vidya informed her mother.

Vidya's mother Bhagya and elder brother Abhishek arrived at Ravichandra's house around 9 am yesterday to be attacked by Ravichandra and his family members. Vidya then took her mother and brother out of the house and locked the door from outside, only to be opened by Padma and her son Karthik.

The police, who arrived at the house following information, advised them not to fight and asked them to report to the police station and file a complaint.

Vidya, who sent away her mother and brother, waited for some time outside the house before knocking on the door to be opened by Ravichandra. Vidya, who entered the house, was preparing her clothes to go to her mother's house, when Ravichandra, her mother and her brother allegedly assaulted her and told her to call her brother home, with a warning not to spare him.

At the same time, Vidya received a call from her brother Abhishek and upon learning that his sister was being tortured again, told him (Vidya) that he was coming to her house, to which Vidya warned him against her husband and members of her armed family. with a knife, screwdriver and sticks. She then left the house.

Within minutes, Abhishek, along with his friends Gautham and Kaushik, approached his sister's house. Abhishek and Gautham rushed to the third floor of the building where Vidya was staying, while Kaushik later followed them after parking his motorcycle, to witness the tragedy.

When Abhishek knocked on the door, Ravichandra, who opened it, allegedly stabbed Abhishek in the chest with a knife. When Abhishek collapsed, Ravichandra's brother Kumar, mother Sharada, relative Padma and son Karthik brutally attacked him and his friend Gautham, who came to his rescue.

Abhishek, who was rushed to a nearby private hospital, was declared dead on arrival.

City Police Commissioner B. Ramesh, DCP (Law and Order) M. Muthuraj, Sub-Divisional ACP KR Ramesh Kumar and his staff visited the spot and conducted preliminary investigation.

Abhishek's body was shifted to the MMC&RI mortuary where an autopsy was conducted and the body was handed over to the family members.

Acting on Vidya's complaint, Kuvempunagar police inspector D. Yogeesh, who filed a complaint against Ravichandra, Kumar, Sharada, Padma and Karthik, launched a hunt to arrest them.

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