
Alleged CASH WIZ thief freed as prosecution fails to continue trial – Magnetic Media

Wilkie Arthur

Independent judicial correspondent

#TurksandCaicos, May 31, 2024 – In a surprising turn of events, Doc Lendi, 33, was released on Wednesday, May 22, after the prosecution was unable to continue with his trial, which was scheduled to take place all week from Monday, May 20 to Friday. , May 24, 2024.

The decision was made by His Lordship, the Honorable Justice Davidson Kevin Baptiste, at the Grand Turk High Court, following objections from lead defense counsel Mr. Ashwood Forbes regarding the repeated adjournments in the The case is almost three years old.

Mr Forbes expressed serious concerns about continued requests for adjournments from the prosecution, highlighting the age of the case and the lack of progress. The defense lawyer stressed that the prosecution had previously committed to “making a decision” certain cause of action,” which generally indicates an intention to withdraw or abandon the case.

Ms Nayasha Hatmin, lead prosecutor, attempted to request another adjournment and continuation of Lendi's pre-trial detention, but Mr Forbes fiercely opposed this course of action.

Judge Baptiste sided with the defense, emphasizing that the interests of justice could not be adequately served by keeping the accused in prison beyond the three-year mark without trial. As a result, the prosecution filed a Nolle Prosequi, effectively dismissing the case against Doc Lendi.

Doc Lendi, an undocumented Haitian national who previously resided in Five Cays, was formally charged with theft in connection with the theft of jewelry worth over $30,000.00 from Cash Wiz pawn shop in Grace Bay on Saturday June 19, 2021. In addition, he faced charges of possession of an imitation firearm with intent to commit a serious offense related to the same robbery.

Prior to his lengthy pretrial detention, Lendi had faced legal problems in the Turks and Caicos Islands, including a conviction for remaining in the islands beyond the permitted time. As a result, he was fined US$800.00 or sentenced to four months in prison.

Following the dismissal of the case, Doc Lendi was turned over to immigration authorities for deportation or repatriation to his home country, Haiti.

The outcome of this case has raised questions about the efficiency of the justice system and the handling of criminal proceedings, particularly in cases involving prolonged delays and repeated adjournments. While Doc Lendi is on the loose, the search for justice continues, leaving many in the community perplexed and searching for answers.

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