
Allegations surface against T-Hub COO for misconduct, harassment and corruption

HYDERABAD: Multiple allegations have emerged against WC Anish Anthony, chief operating officer (COO) of T-Hub, the government's start-up incubator. The accusations range from financial misconduct and manipulation of suppliers to harassment and unethical behavior, casting a shadow over the leadership of one of India's most important startup ecosystems.

Several employees accused Anthony of exploiting his position for personal gain. According to an employee who Chronicle of the Deccan When spoken to, Anthony ensured that the same catering provider was hired for all T-Hub events and allegedly pocketed a 30% commission on these transactions. This practice has led to a significant decline in the quality of services provided at the T-Hub, once known for its fast-paced and dynamic environment, the employee claimed.

According to other allegations, Anthony facilitated the integration of Saanchi Connect, a start-up that allegedly sold T-Hub's proprietary information, for profit. A former employee who opposed this arrangement and attempted to advance to higher positions was reportedly fired.

Similarly, Anthony allegedly signed contracts with Opposite Learning, a startup that allegedly sold former student data to human resources professionals in the city.

During Anthony's tenure, T-Hub subscription fees for start-ups skyrocketed. A start-up executive who wished to remain anonymous revealed, “We used to pay ₹30,000, but now we are being charged ₹75,000 every three months. »

Such an increase across the board has led many people to leave what was once a busy coworking space, leading to many empty seats.

The Ministry of Information and Technology's directive that start-ups should not be charged has been blatantly ignored, further aggravating the situation, sources said.

Anthony's credentials also came under scrutiny. He is listed as a co-founder of MyGate on LinkedIn, a claim publicly disputed by the company's current founder, employees said. This revelation has raised serious questions about the authenticity of his professional background and the process that led to his appointment at T-Hub.

The most distressing allegations concern Anthony's personal conduct. Several employees reported harassment. One said: “During a discussion about the Kickstart program, Anish tried to touch me inappropriately and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. Despite my objections, he persisted and then retaliated by stripping me of my responsibilities.

These employees also reported that those who associated with Anthony inappropriately received significant promotions and pay raises. One woman shared: “Some employees who engaged socially with him in his cubicle were promoted quickly, raising serious concerns about how T-Hub is run. »

These revelations dealt a serious blow to T-Hub's reputation. Notably, the founder of Skippi, a startup that appeared on Shark Tank India, expressed frustration when T-Hub claimed success. The founder insisted that Skippi did not receive any support from T-Hub, contrary to what was advertised on social media.

Additionally, it was alleged that several promotional posts on T-Hub's Instagram account were paid and fake, further damaging the incubator's credibility.

Asked by Chronicle of the Deccan Regarding the accusations, Anthony denied favoring any supplier and claimed that some of the issues did not fall within the direct jurisdiction of his department. He also stated that he was not the co-founder of MyGate and never claimed to be. He added that he was one of the first employees of this start-up.

He also denied seeking undue favors from women or anyone, sexual or otherwise.

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