
After series of anti-Semitic incidents in Newton, police arrest vandal and alleged harasser

Police have arrested a suspected anti-Semitic harasser and vandal following a series of incidents targeting Jewish individuals and properties in Newton.

Alexei Rodriguez, 49, of Boston, is accused of vandalizing the Jewish Community Center of Greater Boston in Newton and intimidating the Jewish population in another incident there.

Newton police responded Tuesday afternoon to the JCC on Nahanton Street for a report that a man had ripped blue ribbons off trees bordering the property.

Since the Hamas terrorist attacks in October, blue ribbons have symbolized support for the safe return of Israeli hostages.

Officers responding to the JCC located and identified the suspect as Rodriguez. He was charged with damage to property, damage to property for the purpose of intimidation and theft.

As a result of the JCC's investigation, officers identified Rodriguez as the driver of a white SUV allegedly involved in an anti-Semitic incident in Newton last month.

On April 30, Rodriguez allegedly went to Newton “to harass and intimidate members of the Jewish community walking in the area,” police said.

The Boston man involved in this incident was charged with assault with intent to intimidate, assault with a dangerous weapon and violation of constitutional rights.

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