
Activists rally for transgender Hopkins student after alleged attack

Students and LGBTQ activists gathered outside Hopkins High School Wednesday to demand justice and accountability in the alleged assault of a transgender student outside the bathroom last week.

The victim's brother, speaking to reporters after advocates criticized the school district and as Pride flags flew, said his sister was “hit” by a fellow student who used a homophobic slur.

His sister, a 17-year-old girl, suffered a broken jaw and teeth that required surgery, the brother said.

Hannah Edwards, director of Transforming Families Minnesota, which organized the event, told the crowd that the school did not call an ambulance or file a police report that day, and that it was just 'after the publication of the notice of assembly on Tuesday. that he informed the school community of the incident.

“Our trans youth deserve to be protected,” Edwards said. “They deserve love, they deserve safety and an equal opportunity to learn in their public schools.”

Upbeat, passionate songs played over a loudspeaker and adults in attendance applauded as dozens of students from the high school and a nearby middle school filed into the rally.

The Hopkins School District's statement released Wednesday said its administration and Minnetonka police were investigating “an act of violence that occurred last Thursday involving a student who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community.”

The district declined to comment further on what happened until that investigation is complete, but said the schools value diversity and inclusion.

“We will address any issues that compromise the safety and inclusiveness of our school environment,” the statement said. “We support and support any marginalized group, including our LGBTQ+ academics and staff. »

Rep. Leigh Finke, DFL-St. Paul, the first transgender member of the state Legislature, said earlier that she often received calls about transgender students who were being beaten and that the victim's family wanted to make it public to encourage action and accountability in such cases.

“This is a family that wants to use trauma for good,” she said.

On Tuesday afternoon, Finke said she called local authorities and it seemed like no one at that point wanted to step in and do anything.

“Take this seriously,” Finke said of the rally’s goal. “It's a problem in our community. It happens a lot.”

Edwards, pledging his support for the victim at the rally, said: “You deserve safety. You deserve dignity and a life full of opportunity. You are beautiful just the way you are… Know that we are here, know that we are watching you and we look forward to helping you do better so this never happens again.”

This is a developing story and may be updated.

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