
ActionSA launches Drug Awareness Month: roadmap to the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26

ActionSA officially launches Drug Awareness Month, led by Team Fix SA addiction member Dereleen James and anti-drugs campaigner Curt Van Heerden, setting out our focus for the month on the journey towards rewriting the narrative of our forgotten communities, turning the page on a chapter marked by struggle and uncertainty.

ActionSA recognizes substance use disorder as a disease, a human tragedy that occurs every day in our communities. Families are torn apart, promising futures are derailed, and individuals fall into a cycle of despair. The consequences of drug addiction ripple through our society and affect us all in one way or another.

By coming together as a country, lending a helping hand to those in need and advocating for better policies and programs, we can turn the tide against drug abuse in South Africa with education, prevention, treatment and follow-up as key pillars in the fight against drug addiction in South Africa. fight against the scourge.

It is essential that we invest in educational programs that raise awareness of the dangers of substance abuse and equip our youth with the knowledge and skills to make healthy choices. Prevention efforts must target at-risk populations and provide support to vulnerable individuals before they succumb to the temptation of drugs.

Treatment and rehabilitation services must be accessible and affordable to everyone seeking help. We must eliminate the stigma associated with addiction and provide a compassionate and supportive environment for people on the path to recovery. By offering a helping hand instead of a critical eye, we can inspire hope and healing in those struggling with addiction.

Additionally, we must work with government agencies, community organizations, health care providers, and law enforcement to create a comprehensive and cohesive approach to combating substance abuse. By collaborating across sectors and sharing resources, we can amplify our impact and bring about meaningful change in our communities.

The fight against illicit drug trafficking in South Africa is a daunting challenge, but it is a battle we cannot afford to lose. Let us be united in our commitment to specialized law enforcement units, dedicated courts, stricter border controls, tougher trafficking penalties and lifestyle controls.

A call to ACTION to all ActionSA structures, the media, faith-based organizations, NGOs and South Africans directly or indirectly affected by the scourge and disastrous consequences of drug abuse and misuse:

– Let’s educate ourselves and our loved ones about the effects of drug abuse and abuse.

– Let’s support those who struggle with addiction by breaking the silence and stigma. Speak out!

– Let’s advocate for accessible access to treatments.

⁠- Let us work together to build a safer, healthier and more compassionate society through the comprehensive implementation of the National Medicines Master Plan.

As legislative work will soon begin through our elected Members of Parliament, ActionSA will ensure that tackling the drug addiction epidemic and drug trafficking by emboldened cartels is high on the agenda of the day of the 7th legislature.

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