
Accident victim hit by teenager moments after egg-throwing incident testifies

DETROIT (WXYZ) — A crash victim caught in the middle of a teen feud is speaking out. Telecia Hudson is disappointed the driver who hit her only got a ticket. Still, the crash sent Hudson to the hospital and left her without transportation.

Just before the crash, Detroit police said a group of teenage girls were throwing eggs at a house. One girl was angry because a boy had broken up with her. The incident happened on Littlefield Street near Puritan Avenue on June 7.

After throwing eggs at the house, the group of teens fled the scene, ignoring a stop sign, causing the collision with Hudson.

You can watch an alarming video of the accident below:

Viral video shows accident after women vandalize house

Jordan Powers, a local resident, filmed the commotion.

“It’s crazy because you only see this kind of stuff online and not in real life,” he said. “After the accident, everyone jumped out of the car. The innocent driver was still in the car.”


Hudson said: “It just happened. It happened out of nowhere. I didn’t see them coming.”


“I hit the steering wheel, I hit the door, the car spun and hit the iron fence. The door opened.” she remembers.

Hudson, who was taken to hospital with bumps and bruises, said the crash totaled the vehicle she was driving, which belonged to a friend.

“I had a knot on my head, a cut on my head. I still have a scar. My knee is still open. My leg is still very sensitive,” she explained.

Detroit police told 7 News Detroit the at-fault driver was cited for reckless driving and driving with an expired license. Hudson believes the suspect got off lightly.

“I felt like it should have been more than a ticket. Like something should have been done. They were vandalizing someone's property, they were trying to leave after vandalizing someone's property,” Hudson said.

Detroit Police Commander Kurt Worboys said: “One thing was not related to another in the sense of a correlation between the punishments that would be associated.”


He said that while the traffic accident was unfortunate and Hudson was caught in the middle, the suspect's malicious action before running the stop sign is unrelated and does not factor into the citation.

Worboys said Hudson's best recourse was to pursue civil action.

“The suspect vehicle was insured. It was his mother's vehicle,” Worboys said.

“Unfortunately, our victim did not have insurance on the vehicle that she was driving. It belonged to someone else. It was not her vehicle and so it's going to cause some issues in the future in terms of getting the full compensation that she's hoping for, maybe because of that. But we did what we had to do as the Detroit Police Department,” The Worboys explained.

He said the resident whose home was vandalized did not want to press charges, even though it would not have made a difference in the accident citation.

“They were lucky to get away with just a ticket because they could have been hurt too,” Hudson said.

She said of the teenagers: “Think before you go out and react based on your emotions.”

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