
A teenager discovers that she has several lookalikes around the world and it scares us

From the cosmopolitan United Kingdom

There's nothing better than seeing a dopplegänger in public.

I myself have spent many a night pointing out a friend's “identical twin” or trying to take a sneaky photo of someone at a bar, I think this should be in a sequel to The parental trap.

Unfortunately, these moments are rare, but for one California student, it has now become her life.

Photo credit: Giphy

Last September, Santana Gutierrez, 17, encountered her own double, called Isobel, in a shopping center.

According to Buzzfeedthe two met in San Diego when Isobel approached the Las Vegas-born student to talk about the Save the Children fund.

“I felt kind of bad because I wasn't listening to what she was saying. All I was thinking was, 'This girl looks exactly like me,'” Gutierrez said.

Um, talk about the understatement of the century. Look at them !

The two identical-looking men laughed about their encounter and exchanged information – I mean, it's kind of necessary when you meet your carbon copy – before taking a photo of their chance meeting.

After posting the image on Twitter, Santana began receiving an influx of images from other young women who looked exactly like her.

The tweet has now been retweeted over 24,000 times and received a staggering 43,000 likes.

Then came the collages.

Last week, Gutierrez received another photo, from a Twitter user named Ally Holtt, who encouraged her to ask her parents if there was anything she should know.

“Dad, I was a sextuplet and you didn’t tell me,” isn’t the easiest question to ask.

'I showed [the photos] to my dad because everyone was like, 'Your parents have some explaining to do,'” Gutierrez admitted.

Luckily for the women, their parents didn't keep their family relationships a secret and no, we won't hear back. Parental trapmovie style again soon, but the trio's uncanny resemblance has now given rise to its own “doppelganger ring” and even caught the attention of Netflix.

The hit series Black orphan — a thriller about identical people who are clones — Gutierrez tweeted about its uncanny resemblance to women around the world.

Did anyone else panic?

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