
a suicide is believed to have occurred

Investigators identified the man found dead under a pylon in Zibido San Giacomo

The mystery of the lifeless body found Sunday evening under a high voltage pylon in the Milan region has found a solution.

The man found lifeless under a pylon in the Milan region has been identified

THEmen he was identified thanks to the recognition carried out by his family. It's a 42enne of the area, being treated for psychiatric problems. The alarm was raised at sunset, when a farmer discovered the body in an agricultural field in Zibido San Giacomo and immediately notified the police.

We think about suicide

The victim, who presented a lacerated-contusion wound to the headhad no papers or cell phone on him, which made it difficult at first to understand who he was.

Even the fingerprints had provided no useful evidence. The autopsy revealed the presence of several internal fractures, linked to a possible jump into the void. Investigators believe it is likely that the man decided to commit suicide by jumping from the pylon.

No missing persons reported

The victim, who she lived alone, had met his parents a few hours before the tragedy, which is why no report of disappearance had been filed. The death appears to have occurred shortly after the discovery of the body, as farmers in the area often frequent the site. monitor water level for irrigating fields.

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