
A sentence to my wife's family ruined our marriage. Was I wrong to say that?

In a recent Reddit post shared on r/AITAH (am I the asshole), site user LowRequirement5182 shared that he had been having problems in his marriage.

“Until about two years ago, things were going well. However, a disastrous move, a few family emergencies and a wrecked car left us in a terrible financial situation,” he wrote.

“All of our savings are basically gone, $401k is empty and we are losing money.”

He said the couple had purchased a three-bedroom house in an expensive area in the hope of housing their future children. Before the move, their financial situation was “incredible,” he said.

But they were in such a hurry that the children took second place, because “putting a child in this mess right now would kill us.”

OP (the original poster) gave an ultimatum

Because money was causing the couple so much stress, the poster wrote that he told his wife “that one of two things had to happen: Either we sell the house or we start earning more money.” money”.

Both parties were working low-paying jobs at the time, so the poster thought this meant they would have to find completely different jobs.

His wife loved her job and the house, so she tried to get a raise from her boss, which was not given. But in the six months since his ultimatum, the poster has found a new job and just signed a contract for $35,000 more per year than his previous role.

The author of the message claims that his wife was annoyed because after she got the highest paying job, he told her that she absolutely had to find a new job.

He pointed out that without additional income on top of his pay raise, “kids, why we got this damn house would be completely out of the question.” »

Then he and his wife hosted a dinner

The couple more or less masked each other after the argument, but the poster woman's parents later came over for dinner.

OP says his wife told his parents that maybe he'd stop complaining about money now that he got his new job – and what he said next silenced the table.

“I don't know why I said it, but I said, 'Oh, don't worry, Jen. I won't have to worry about money in a year because we'll be divorced by then,'” he revealed.

“Things calmed down very quickly afterwards and I apologized. Her parents left shortly after and she slept on the couch to avoid talking to me.

He ended his message: “I have not spoken to [his wife] or his parents since last night. Things are very cold between us right now, and I honestly wonder if I did something last night that probably ruined my marriage.

People had *thoughts* in the comments

Editors didn't seem to like the poster's approach to discussing his marriage.

“I don't know why you are so worried if you messed up or not you will be divorced in a year,” one commenter wrote.

“You know how gun experts tell people 'don't put your finger on the trigger unless you intend to shoot?' » another opined.

“I'm sorry, did you say, 'I really wonder if I did something last night that probably ruined my marriage?'” another user on the site asked in disbelief.

“You told your wife you would divorce within a year in front of her parents. If you manage to come back, it will be a LONG and HARD road. You have the right to be angry about everything that happens, even the right to divorce, but if you wanted to repair the marriage, this was not the right way to do it.

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