
A Mukwonago man accused of trafficking a teenage girl | Waukesha Co. News

WAUKESHA – A Mukwonago Town man was ordered held on $300,000 cash bail Tuesday after allegedly possessing drugs at his home and participating in a series of messages discussing sex and money with a 15 year old girl.

Jeffrey Biesboer, 40, of the Town of Mukwonago, was charged with possession with intent to deliver cocaine, intent to deliver THC, possession of narcotics and child trafficking. If convicted, he faces more than 50 years in prison.

He was ordered to have no contact with the two girls involved in the case, nor any unsupervised contact with minors who are not his own children.

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According to a criminal complaint, on April 6, the Mukwonago Town Police Department was dispatched after receiving an open line to 911. The dispatcher attempted to call back several times but was disconnected. On one occasion, a person said they were being held hostage and then the line was cut off, the criminal complaint states.

An officer made contact with a girl identified as Victim B, who was sitting in a silver Toyota 4Runner and told the officer that another person in the house had accidentally called 911.

Biesboer came out of the residence and said there was no problem, that the call was made by accident and that the woman was joking about being held hostage. He told police that he, Victim A and Victim B had been together all day. The officer noticed that Biesboer appeared to be intoxicated, according to the complaint.

The girl identified as Victim A came out and confirmed that it was her phone that called 911 and that she was only joking about being held hostage. Victim A was identified as 16 years old and Victim B was identified as 15 years old, the complaint states.

As they left the scene to return to the nearby police station, the police heard screams and sounds of distress.

They returned to the residence and noticed the Toyota 4Runner had a sunken windshield and bare footprints on the hood and window. The officer noticed punch marks on the drywall of a second story window and that the window frame had been pushed outward due to broken glass. The police heard screaming and arguing coming from the second floor. The officer ordered the two women and Biesboer to come out immediately, according to the complaint.

The officers attempted to handcuff Biesboer, but he resisted by removing his arms from the officers and tensing his upper body. Officers searched the home and found marijuana and a box containing possible controlled substances and drug paraphernalia, according to the complaint. A test of the suspected drugs from the home revealed them to be hydrocodone and acetaminophen with codeine. There were 25.5 grams of cocaine and 54 grams of marijuana, according to the complaint.

Biesboer said he punched the drywall, broke the window and allowed Victim B to stomp on his windshield. He denied any sexual contact with the alleged victims.

Victim B told police that there was only a verbal argument with Biesboer and that she never had sexual contact with him. She said she often came to Mukwonago to relax. Officers found marijuana on Victim B, the complaint states.

Victim A said Biesboer drove to Milwaukee to pick her and Victim B up and take them to his house. She denied using alcohol and drugs. She heard Victim B and Biesboer fighting, but she didn't know why they were arguing. Officers found a condom in Victim A's pocket, the complaint states.

A search warrant was executed and numerous electronic devices as well as Biesboer's cell phone were seized. Biesboer told detectives he hooked up with stupid people and later said he was going to Milwaukee to “hang out.” He admitted to using marijuana and reportedly said he had problems with cocaine. Biesboer said he was still struggling with the women's ages and wanted to see their IDs “Because I didn't believe how old they were,” the complaint states. He said he told detectives he never touched the girls.

He later said he had met the two victims some time ago and spent time with them, but did not have sex with them, according to the complaint.

A search through messages Biesboer found between him and Victim B dating back to January 2024. Victim B made several references to his age, his school schedule, and his need to attend school.

Biesboer and Victim B discussed smoking weed and drinking alcohol. Biesboer allegedly mentioned several times that he had picked up victim B to take her to his house and sent messages containing sexual references. Biesboer and the victim are referring to Cash App, an electronic application that can be used to send and receive money.

Throughout the conversations, there are a number of messages about Cash App being used to send money to Victim B and money being used for Lyft rides and marijuana purchases. The messages continue to indicate that Biesboer and Victim B were in a romantic and sexual relationship, the complaint states.

Based on messages exchanged between them, referring to Cash App transactions, “it is clear that the accused had a sexual relationship with victim B between January 2024 and April 2024, and that money was exchanged between parties for sexual purposes.

“The messages demonstrate that on multiple occasions, the defendant attempted to transport or Lyft Victim B to her home in the town of Mukwonago for the purpose of providing her with controlled substances and engaging in sexual activity,” the complaint states. .

A message left for Biesboer's attorney, John Joyce, was not immediately returned Tuesday.

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