
A group deplores the increase in child trafficking in the Plateau


The Coordinator of Child Protection Network in Plateau State, Mrs. Sandra Chikan, has condemned the current trend of trafficking of children from the state.

Chikan, in a statement issued to newsmen in Jos yesterday, stressed that he would no longer tolerate illicit acts in which children and young girls in Plateau State are deceived, forced or persuaded to leave their homes and then transported and forced to work or sold and trafficked for sexual exploitation.

Recently, more than 10 Nigerian teenage girls aged between 15 and 16 were rescued by authorities after being trafficked to Ghana for prostitution.

According to her, “Due to the alarming increase in cases of child trafficking, young girls from Plateau State have been repeatedly lured by syndicates to other countries and states for prostitution and work children.

“The Child Protection Network condemns this despicable act and we call on parents and guardians to be aware of these criminals.

“Parents and community members should not fail in their primary responsibility to protect and educate their children. »

She called on community leaders to report illegal activities and crimes to law enforcement.

“The government should explore options to implement policies and involve stakeholders in a concerted effort to combat this menace and crime. »

Describing the situation as worrying, Chikan called for tougher penalties for perpetrators to deter others.

“This ugly trend must stop; we must rebel against this; we will no longer tolerate this situation,” she added.

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