
A famous actor allegedly sexually assaulted his teenage student

He still teaches despite his rape accusation.

Popular JTBC to show Scandal Supervisor recently brought to light the horrific case of a young teenage girl who was sexually assaulted at the home of a popular actor.

The attacker – who assaulted the student last year in October – ran the drama academy where the victim was studying at the time. The actor is only identified as “Mr. A” so far.


Last October, the actor-turned-teacher received messages from his students, including Miss B, who wanted to give him a birthday present. He then invited the students to his home and even encouraged them to drink alcohol. After some time, A sent the other students home and, when he was alone with the victim, he committed the assault.

The actor allegedly told the student that if she had sex with him, she wouldn't have to worry about paying the academy's tuition. Lawyer Yang Ji Yeol claimed that the attacker is an actor who has won numerous awards and has even appeared on television, making him a familiar face to the public. The victim's father revealed more details about the actor and the academy during the Scandal Supervisor episode.

It is one of the few theater academies in the region. There are quite a few famous actors in A's family, so there are a lot of students taking classes.

— The victim's father

During the episode, a video showing A kneeling in his underwear and apologizing was also released. In the clip, A apologizes to the victim, saying: “I'm sorry. I loved you. I misunderstand. I'm sorry. Can't you understand me? Can't you forgive me just once?» Meanwhile, the victim replied: “Please stop. I thought you were a real teacher. What are you misunderstanding? I said it twice!»

Screenshots from the video. | JTBC

Actor A has since denied these accusations to the Scandal Supervisor production team.

There was absolutely no sexual assault. There were various circumstances behind the misleading video.

– A

Meanwhile, Mr. A was accused of rape and violating the Youth Protection Act, but was not arrested. Despite the accusations, he would continue to teach at the academy.

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