
A Clever Gadget Makes It (Almost) Impossible to Destroy Your Houseplants

“Pandemic gardens” were almost as popular as new pets and sourdough starters in 2020, but many of us learned the hard way that indoor greenery isn't always the easiest thing to keep healthy (or alive). This little gadget is here to change all that, giving you real-time data on your plant's needs, in what manufacturers say will “revolutionize” the way you care for your houseplants.

It's estimated that American adults kill about 190 million houseplants each year, enough to prompt many people to give up the hobby altogether.

SmartyPlants – a name that feels good – aims to change all that. Its smart sensors designed specifically for indoor plants monitor light, humidity and temperature, as well as soil moisture and nutrients. They send this information to an accompanying smartphone app, taking all the guesswork out of maintaining plant health.

This little device is basically your new smart green thumb

Smart plants

“SmartyPlants is focused on helping the 48% of houseplant owners who have accidentally killed five or more plants in the last 18 years,” said Ben Beavers, Founder and CEO of SmartyPlants. “No judgment – ​​we understand it can be hard to know what to do!”

“We want you to enjoy your plants stress-free, and with our technology we can make sure they’re taken care of,” added Beavers, who has a background in biology and technology, as well as a partner he describes as a “serial plant killer.”

The London startup launched SmartyPlants on Kickstarter – and it quickly found an audience, quickly raising its benchmark goal of £5,000 (US$6,315) more than 10 times. In four days, the campaign garnered more than 500 supporters, suggesting many people are desperate for happy plants.

It's essentially a “plug and play” system, with the sensor inserted into the plant's soil, but it does much more than tell you if you're overwatering or there's not enough light . The sensor can scan a room and recommend the types of plants best suited to the environment. It's integrated with the smart home, so you can even set up automatic watering systems via Wifi.

It will also keep a history of issues encountered with any plant and allow you to track growth through AI image analysis. It's also customized to the plant's specific needs and covers the entire spectrum of indoor foliage, from succulents to ferns, which can be notoriously difficult to keep alive indoors.

The app also lets you name your plants, so you can check in on Dave or Shirley, instead of having to memorize the species. And yes, you'll get notifications if “Dave needs a drink,” for example.

Once set up, SmartyPlants will send easy-to-understand insights and learnings, and you'll receive notifications if something seems to be wrong, making it easy to correct errors before it's too late. It not only measures light intensity, but also examines the light spectrum to maximize the all-important photosynthesis.

The device is powered by a rechargeable battery that lasts about six months before needing a charge, and the app is compatible with Android and iOS.

The only thing it can't do is protect your houseplants from hungry animals.

SmartyPlants campaign video

On Kickstarter (so the usual crowdfunding caveats apply), you can pick up a single sensor with a 15% early bird discount (£34, about $43) or a monster pack of 20 (£479 , approximately $605), or 40% off. . This seems like a very worthwhile investment, considering the cost of replacing houseplants that don't do as well around the house.

Source: Kickstarter

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