
A bear broke into an Arizona home and attacked a teenager

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A black bear attacked a teenager with a rare neurological disease. The animal entered a cabin in Arizona through an open door, reports Dailymail.

Photo: Sparks/Torquemada

Predator surprised 15-year-old Brigham Hawkins. The bear wandered into a cabin in the Apache National Forest, where a boy was watching a video on his phone.

Brigham accidentally left the cabin door open. The animal therefore entered the house without any hindrance. Due to a rare neurological disease, Brigham cannot move quickly, so he had little chance of defending himself against the three-year-old bear.

Double attack

The boy was watching a YouTube video with the back door open when a black bear approached him and grabbed his face from behind.

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His mother, Carol Hawkins, said the family had been vacationing at the cabin off Blue River Road for years and never thought something like this would happen.

“My son didn't notice the bear because it came from behind and hit him in the face twice,” Carol said. “The bear hit him in the nose and cheek, then in the forehead and the top of the head.”

Carol said the bear left the cabin after the first strikes, but then returned to launch a second attack.

Fortunately, Brigham's brother Parker was nearby and heard his screams. He ran to the cabin and managed to chase the bear away.

Arizona Department of Fish and Game law enforcement chief Sean Wagner said Parker likely saved his brother's life.

“Thanks to his quick reaction, his brother was able to distract the bear from what very easily could have turned into a real tragedy in a matter of seconds,” he said.

Officers were also called to the scene, found the bear and killed it. The animal's body was taken to the national health laboratory where it will be tested for rabies.

Brigham was taken to the hospital, where his injuries were treated and he received a preventative rabies vaccination. He is expected to make a full recovery.

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Wagner said this was just the 16th bear attack on people in Arizona since 1990. Of those attacks, only two were fatal.

Recommendations for vacationers

The Arizona Department of Fish and Game advises people vacationing in areas where bears live to be aware of their surroundings.

Officials advise keeping food and anything that could attract a bear out of reach and not leaving food scraps in tents or on grills.

The department also advises camping away from areas where bears typically feed, such as lakes and other bodies of water.

It's a good idea to walk in groups rather than alone, make noise, and avoid odors that might attract bears, such as lotions, scented deodorants, or perfumes.

If you encounter a bear, back away slowly while maintaining eye contact – don't run.

Authorities advise appearing as big as possible when a bear approaches by flapping your arms or pulling your shirt over your head.

In the event of an attack, the department advises throwing objects at the animal, shouting and fighting back.

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