
Teenage girl goes blind after egg explodes in face – News

By Web Report

Published: Tue January 1, 2019, 11:44 a.m.

Last update: Tue January 1, 2019, 1:52 p.m.

A teenage girl from Newcastle, England, suffered temporary blindness after a microwaved egg exploded in her face.
Courtney Wood, 19, was making breakfast the day after Christmas and put an egg in the microwave. As soon as she took the egg out of the microwave, it exploded in her face, leaving her with no sight in her left eye, reports Mirror.UK citing reports from Stoke Sentinel.

Wood said she had microwaved eggs several times before, but on the fateful day they exploded without warning, leaving her with painful burns and blisters.
“The morning of Boxing Day, I made myself breakfast. I put some bacon under the grill, then put an egg in a pitcher with a little water – as I have done before — and I put it in the microwave for a minute,” Wood said.
Warning others of the dangers, the carer added: “The microwave didn't go off, so I took the egg out, put it to the side and checked the bacon. When I turned back to the pitcher, the egg exploded in my face.
Wood immediately began screaming in pain and splashed cold water on his face before calling a friend. “At that point I couldn't see and was screaming in pain. My friend came straight away and called 111 who told me to go straight to the hospital.”
Wood was treated with morphine and gauze at Royal Stoke University Hospital and doctors told her that although the burns were not serious, she had scratched both corneas. Fortunately, doctors informed Wood that his vision damage was not permanent.
Wood stayed with her mother for a few days after the accident, and while the vision in her right eye returned within 48 hours, the vision in her left eye is still affected.
“I am taking eye drops and steroids and have to return to the eye clinic every day until my eyes are healed. The doctors told me the vision in my left eye may not be restored before a week or more,” added Wood. .

The teenager added: “It was the worst pain I've ever been through – it was horrible – and I would hate for anyone else to have to go through what I went through.”

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