
71-year-old woman stabbed and seriously injured near Chicago Union Station

CHICAGO (CBS) – A 71-year-old woman was stabbed and seriously injured Wednesday afternoon near Union Station in downtown Chicago.

The woman was near the sidewalk in the 200 block of South Canal Street around 1:30 p.m. when an offender stabbed her multiple times with a sharp object, police said. Her husband told CBS 2 that the victim, Arlene Rado, was walking her dog Mickey when the attack happened.

He said the attacker grabbed his wife by the neck from behind and stabbed her. The attacker then fled but was found by a good Samaritan, said Alan Rado, Arlene's husband. The police arrested the offender.

Alan Rado said his wife Arlene (right) was randomly stabbed Wednesday afternoon while walking their dog Mickey in front of Union Station.

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A CBS 2 camera spotted Chicago and Amtrak police officers setting up a criminal gang around a section of the main entrance on Canal Street. Police were investigating in and around Union Station.

Rado was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital and initially reported in critical condition. Her husband said she had been stabbed seven times but was still alive.

Charges were pending.

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