
69,000 Kenyans live in modern slavery, latest report reveals

Former British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks with a representative of the Global Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Nairobi. [Marion Kithi, Standard]

At least 69,000 Kenyans were subjected to modern slavery between 2016 and 2023, a new Global Slavery Index survey reveals.

The report released in Kilifi on Friday said 269,000 Kenyans were also subjected to forced labor and marriage, placing Kenya 88th in the world in terms of the prevalence of modern slavery.

Speaking at Maisha Safe House in Kilifi, former British Prime Minister Theresa May said modern slavery was on the rise due to rising geopolitical and economic volatility, conflict and climate change.

“Progress towards eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking falls far short of global ambitions,” Ms May said after last week's tour of Kilifi and other coastal regions.

The former British prime minister said modern slavery and human trafficking were not unique to Kenya as they affected all countries.

She stressed that it is essential to understand the challenges facing the region from both government and civil society perspectives in order to address the root causes of the problem.

According to the Global Estimates of Modern Slavery report, 10 million people were forced into work or marriage in 2016 worldwide, bringing the estimated number of people living in modern slavery to 50 million.

The report notes that child labor remains mainly concentrated in agriculture. Nearly one in five working children works in the service sector.

Ms May said that with the Government's support, the Global Commission on Modern Slavery was exploring ways to reverse the rise in cases of modern slavery and human trafficking.

The Global Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking met in Kenya to understand the impact of modern slavery and human trafficking on Kenyans and people in the region.

Principal Secretary (PS) for Social Protection and Elderly Affairs Joseph Motari said the government was committed to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking.

Motari revealed that the Ministry of Labor has developed regulations to ensure ethical recruitment practices for Kenyans seeking to work abroad, particularly in the Middle East, and to report cases of slavery.

Actors from Youth Theater Kenya perform a play on modern slavery at Braeburn School in Nairobi. [File, Standard]

Sophie Otiende, executive director of the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery and founder of the Azadi Community, said that as a survivor of modern slavery, she would work to end the problem in the country.

“As a survivor leader, I also strive to ensure that the inclusion of those affected by this issue remains a key objective,” Ms Otiende said.

The commission held meetings with representatives from 17 African countries and 27 civil society organizations to find ways to end forced labor in supply chains.

Florence Keya of Maisha Safe House, an organization which protects girls in the most vulnerable situations, said modern slavery and trafficking of girls was hidden in plain sight.

Ms Keya noted that most girls subjected to modern slavery are employed as domestic workers or live with their relatives or benefactors, citing cases of juvenile sex trade in Malindi.

An investigation by the International Justice Mission (IJM) in 2019 showed that child sex trafficking is widespread on the coast, with 20,000 girls and boys falling victim to different forms of illegal trade.

The IJM survey identified Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale as the hotspots for juvenile sex trade in the country. On Wednesday, the governors of the three counties vowed to wage war against vice.

Modern slavery refers to exploitative situations that a person cannot refuse or leave due to threats, violence, coercion or deception.

This includes forced labour, forced or servile marriage, debt bondage, forced commercial sexual exploitation, human trafficking and the sale and exploitation of children.

People in these situations do not have the freedom to accept or refuse a job, to leave an employer, nor the freedom to decide if, when, and with whom to marry.

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