
6 types of depression identified by brain scans

PHOTO: Medical news in Thailand

Depression is a complex mental health problem that affects millions of people around the world. Traditional methods of treating depression involve trial and error, and it often takes months or even years to find the right medication or therapy. However, researchers at Stanford Medicine have made a groundbreaking discovery that could change our approach to treating depression. Using brain imaging and artificial intelligence (AI), they identified six unique subtypes of depression, each with their distinct patterns of brain activity.

This advance could lead to more personalized and more effective treatments.

The power of brain imaging

The study, led by Dr Leanne Williams, used functional MRI (fMRI) to scan the brains of 801 participants suffering from depression or anxiety. fMRI technology measures brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow. The researchers scanned participants' brains at rest and while performing various tasks to test their cognitive and emotional functions.

Using machine learning, a type of AI, the team analyzed brain scans and identified six distinct patterns of brain activity. These models, or biotypeshelp predict which patients are most likely to respond to specific treatments, such as antidepressants or behavioral therapies.

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The six biotypes of depression

Biotype 1: Characterized by hyperactivity in the cognitive regions of the brain. Patients with this biotype responded better to the antidepressant venlafaxine (Effexor).

Biotype 2: Showed higher activity levels in regions associated with depression and problem solving. These patients saw the greatest improvement with behavioral talk therapy.

Biotype 3: Showed lower activity levels in the brain circuit controlling attention. These individuals were less likely to benefit from talk therapy than other biotypes.

Biotype 4: Hyperconnectivity demonstrated in multiple brain circuits, leading to symptoms such as slowed emotional responses and increased errors in executive function tasks.

Biotype 5: Identified by reduced connectivity in the attention circuit, leading to difficulty concentrating and controlling impulses.

Biotype 6: Displayed increased activity in regions processing both negative and positive emotions, associated with higher levels of anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure).

Implications for treatment

The identification of these biotypes constitutes an important step towards precision psychiatry and a major advance in the treatment of mental health problems. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, treatments can now be tailored to the individual's specific brain activity pattern. This means faster and more effective relief for patients.

For example, a patient with hyperactivity in cognitive regions might be prescribed venlafaxine, while another with higher activity in problem-solving areas might benefit more from talk therapy. This personalized approach not only improves treatment outcomes, but also reduces the frustration and despair often felt by patients undergoing multiple unsuccessful treatments.

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Expand the search

Dr. Williams and his team don't stop there. They plan to expand their study to include more participants and test additional treatments. The goal is to refine their understanding of the six biotypes and explore new medications that could be effective for those who do not respond to current treatments.

Study collaborator Dr. Jun Ma highlighted the importance of these results, saying: “To our knowledge, this is the first time that we can demonstrate that depression can be explained by different disturbances in the functioning of the body. brain. . It is a demonstration of a personalized medicine approach to mental health based on objective measures of brain function.

Outlook for the future of depression

The team is also working to integrate this imaging technique into clinical practice. Dr. Laura Hack, another researcher involved in the study, began using the brain imaging method in her practice at Stanford Medicine. The ultimate goal is to establish easy-to-follow standards so that psychiatrists around the world can implement this approach.

Dr. Ma added, “To truly move the field toward precision psychiatry, we need to identify treatments that are most likely to be effective for patients and get them on treatment as soon as possible. Having information about their brain function, particularly the validated signatures we assessed in this study, would help inform more precise treatment and prescriptions for individuals.

The Stanford study marks a mental health milestone in understanding and treating depression. Leveraging advanced brain imaging and AI, researchers have discovered six distinct biotypes of depression, paving the way for more personalized and effective treatments. This breakthrough promises a future in which rapid brain scanning could identify the best treatment for each individual, offering hope to millions of people suffering from depression.


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