
225 drivers arrested statewide for Memorial Day weekend DWI – Finger Lakes Daily News

State police issued 10,949 tickets and arrested 225 people for DWI over Memorial Day weekend. The special enforcement period began on May 24 and ended on May 27.

During the campaign, which was partially funded by the Governor's Committee on Traffic Safety, State Police used sobriety checkpoints, additional DWI patrols, and ticketing distracted drivers who used devices portable electronics.

Police arrested 225 people for DWI and investigated 239 accidents, including 58 involving bodily injuries. No fatal accidents have been reported.

As part of the crackdown, officers also targeted speeding and aggressive drivers across the state. Below is a sample of the total tickets issued:

Speeding: 3,076

Distracted driving: 356

Seat belt violations: 1,663

Displacement in relation to the law: 106

Officers have used both marked State Police vehicles and Hidden Identity Network (CITE) vehicles in this crackdown to more easily identify motorists who are breaking the law. CITE vehicles allow the Trooper to better observe driving violations. These vehicles blend into everyday traffic, but are unmistakably emergency vehicles once the emergency lighting is activated.

During last year's Memorial Day weekend crackdown, state police issued a total of 13,471 tickets and arrested 219 people for DWI.

Below is a breakdown of violations by troop:

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