
2 get life in 2022 murder of Oak Park jeweler

Pontiac — Choking back sobs and her voice trembling at times, Marley Hutchinson stood at a podium in Oakland County Circuit Court Wednesday to recount the day her father was murdered.

“Exactly 742 days ago, my life completely changed,” the 18-year-old said, sniffling at times as she read a prepared statement. “My mother told me that my father had been attacked. I didn't understand what she meant and I asked her if he had been shot.

“She said yes and I fell to the floor. I just remember being in the hospital and screaming, 'My dad's gone, my dad's gone.'”

Marley Hutchinson was one of the family members of famed Oak Park jeweler Dan Hutchinson, who addressed Oakland Circuit Court Judge Nanci Grant before sentencing two men to prison life without parole for the jeweler's murder in 2020.

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