
15 victims of human trafficking rescued in Tawi-Tawi | Notre-Dame Broadcasting Company

COTABATO CITY – Philippine Navy personnel and Tawi-Tawi police officers together rescued 15 people from different parts of Mindanao while they were on board three boats bound for Sandakan in Malaysia, promised well-paying jobs by illegal recruiters.

The Western Mindanao Naval Forces and the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region Police Regional Office said in separate reports on Sunday that the 15 human trafficking victims were quickly taken down, in separate operations from June 20 to 21 , from three ships, the Trisha Kerstine II, the Everqueen of Asia and Lady Mera, during a stopover at the seaport of Bongao, the capital of Tawi-Tawi.

The Navy unit in Bongao launched the rescue operation with the help of officials from the Bongao Municipal Police Station and the Tawi-Tawi Provincial Police Office after confidential informants reported that the three boats were carrying passengers who had been tricked into getting jobs in Malaysia by recruiters.

Rescued victims of human trafficking, Roldan Pata, Jerry Badiongan, Ethel Donting, Shiela Marie Manzano, Maria Daisy Silvano, Vilma Tuballa, Radzfer Haver, Jarkim Araji, Damir Alah, Midzfar Marre, Aharabani Juhudani, Airal Umban, Arma Hairal , Anggu Sairul and Nadzmer Benjamin Jasan, were immediately taken to the Bongao Local Government Inter-Agency Anti-Trafficking Council office for custody.

Radio reports said on Sunday that the Bongao local government and the Tawi-Tawi provincial governor's office had provided them with initial emergency assistance and would together help them return to their provinces in Mindanao.

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