
100 Deadliest Days: Teen Road Fatalities Increase in Summer Months

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) – Warmer weather brings more road trips and summer activities. Activities that many teenagers will attend.

The summer months bring a 20% increase in teen traffic deaths, an average of seven deaths per day.

Adeline Kelly is a 10th grader and teen leader in a program called “Teens in the Driver's Seat,” a national driver safety program for teens.

She says it's not only the driver's responsibility to keep everyone safe, but also the passenger's.

“As a passenger, you always have the right to defend yourself because it is not only the driver’s life that is at stake, but it is also yours,” Adeline said.

Talk to your teen about distracted driving. Texting and driving are major contributors to car accidents. Remind them to put their phone away and keep their eyes on the road.

Worried about their speeding?

You can download an app called “Life 360” that actively alerts you if your teen is speeding on the road. Tell them to wear their seat belts and make sure all their passengers wear theirs as well.

More passengers equals more distractions. More distractions could increase the risk of an accident.

“The most important thing is to listen to music and talk. Other people in the car are shouting and really creating a distraction that really makes the driver lose concentration. I've had some pretty close problems when I'm in the car with my friends where we're singing and having fun and the driver gets distracted when someone tries to merge…they end up focusing on things that aren't important . when they should be focused on the road,” explains Adeline.

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