
1. How much time do you plan to spend on the jail administration compared to the administration of the sheriff's office?

Mike McGuire

Part of being a good administrator is delegating tasks to the right people who can do their job. My time as sheriff will be spread thin, which is why I plan to have a jail administrator that I will supervise. The Jail Administrator will handle the day-to-day affairs of the jail, which will greatly relieve me of the time I will be spending more on the Sheriff's Office.

2. What opportunities do you see with the new jail to improve county operations?

The new jail will significantly improve county operations. The prison will give us control over the inmates, while encouraging them to behave well. Additionally, the new prison will significantly reduce the risk of prosecution by being a fully operational prison. For example, being able to lock up inmates who do not follow procedures or during cell checks to ensure the safety of our correctional officers and inmates. I will also have inmate workers with good behavior and non-violent crimes to help keep the prison clean, serve food, etc. Inmate workers will receive a reduced sentence for their work, saving the county money by not having to house them. for extended periods.

3. How will you set and evaluate compensation for correctional officers?

The compensation of correctional officers will be set and evaluated in the same manner as that of deputies. Compensation will depend on years of service, special training and rank within the department.

Each position will have a starting salary, then increments for each year. There will be additional pay for officers trained to teach other officers, as this will provide an incentive for them to undertake further training.

4. In your opinion, what are the most important keys to ensuring the health and safety of prisoners?

One of the most important keys to ensuring the health and safety of inmates is having properly trained correctional officers and staff to supervise inmates, as well as a suitable housing facility. When a prison is properly managed with properly functioning cells and procedures followed, it creates a safe environment for both the inmate and staff. As well as having medical personnel, i.e. a nurse or paramedic, on staff to manage inmate medications and treat non-serious injuries or medical issues. Correctional officers are not medically trained and should NOT be handling medications or treating injuries.

5. Do you plan to implement or continue inmate enrichment programs?

The goal of the prison is to keep criminals off the streets and help inmates become better citizens for the community. I believe deeply in the ministry of the Church, as well as the existence of a GED program. We also offer a rehabilitation course for those who would like help to combat their drug and alcohol addiction, which may persist even after their release from prison. I plan to work with mental health facilities to provide counseling to inmates, as well as counseling to staff. By having inmate enrichment programs, it gives inmates the opportunity to find employment after release, reunite their families, and hopefully turn their lives around without turning to crime.

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